How to make landing pages with better conversions?

Aditya Phatak
Published in
5 min readOct 29, 2019

You don’t want your users to just appreciate the beauty of your website. You want them to convert!

Landing pages or what!

Before even actually working on building your business website, you already have a feel of how it should look. Maybe you see it to be elegant or dashing or attractive or minimal or bold etc. You have all the ideas in your mind collated over months, at times even years and know exactly how your website should look - the colors, the fonts and the design.

And when you are ripe enough to start with it, it’s like all your ideas gushing down you head into designing those pages. You have a set idea on how your main page, i.e the landing page should look and what it should say.

All that is okay. But somewhere in between these lines, the main idea of your business fails. You want users to not only visit your website and feel ‘wow’, you want them to convert. Give you business!

And that’s where your game is, which in many cases takes a back seat over focusing on colors, fonts, layouts etc.

Converting users from visiting your website to giving you details for a potential lead or making a payment for buying what you sell online is the GAME.

Enter UX design — User Experience design.

When you think of design, many think of what it looks. However, it’s just a small part of it. Design is what you help users understand the purpose of your business through your website or app. Design is what makes users take the next step to get to know more about your products and services. Design is what makes it easier for your potential clients and users know what to do to start using your product!

Design should never say, ‘Look at me.’ It should always say, ‘Look at this.’David Craib

Landing pages or not!

The goal of a great landing page is to increase conversion rates in order to reach your marketing or business growth goals. A landing page can be your homepage, or another page within your taxonomy, or it can also be a standalone page which could be created for a specific product campaign or sale.

A landing page is usually promoted through Google Adwords or another similar service, and it exists for one reason only: to convert. Again, this can be your homepage, if you set it up to increase conversions.

Below are few basic things you need to focus on to optimize your conversions. Else your landing page is not a landing page! It’s like a dumb blonde - just good looking, possibly doing nothing!

  1. Understand your business goal

Before you even begin putting together your landing page, you need to determine what you want it to accomplish. Are you looking to grow your email list? Promote a new product and get people to buy it online? Promote a discount on a subscription service?

It’s very important for you to get sorted with your goal as this will then drive CTA and copy across the page.

2. Have a strong, contextual hero shot and supporting imagery

Your hero shot i.e the primary image or video on your landing page above the fold is the first thing visitors are going to focus on, so it better be captivating. Show your product or service in the context of use: demonstrate how it works and make it easy for people to visualize themselves enjoying the benefits.

3. Clear and concise copy (messaging)

Once you have your goal, think can about your message. How can your offering — whether that be a subscription for content, an email list, or a product — solve someone’s problem?

What are those lines which are high impact and hit the right audiences. For that, you need to be well versed with your TG (Target group) and have them in mind while writing the copy.

3. Do your keyword research

What do people type in when they’re searching for solutions to the problem that your sale, product, or newsletter can solve?

Having appropriate keywords identified helps not only with the messaging, but also with SEO. Do some user studies to evaluate your relevant keywords.

From the list, take off those which are vague & generic and focus on the ones which are directly impacting your service or product. Use these keywords in your messaging as well as in alt & meta tags for better SEO results.

4. Clearly state your value proposition with a compelling header and subhead

Why should visitors accept your call to action? Use your headline and sub- headline to articulate your value proposition, clearly stating the benefits of your offer and what makes you different from your competitors.

5. Clear CTAs (Call to action buttons)

User has understood what you are offering with your product or service. Now he needs to do something in order to avail your services or use your product. That’s where CTAs stand important.

CTAs need to be clear and straight forward. In no ways should they confuse users doubting them on the action that would happen after they clicking on it.

Make sure your CTA is obvious (from a design perspective) and compelling (from a copy perspective). Best practice is generally to remove any secondary links that might cause someone to leave your page before converting through your CTA, including site navigation.

6. Outline the product/service benefits well

Its obvious that people need to know what your product or service offers, but they’re much more likely to convert if they understand the benefits they’ll receive by following through with your CTA. Benefits-oriented messaging is one of the best ways to drive conversions.

7. Include testimonials and if any other forms of social proofing

People are much more likely to convert on your landing page if they believe that others have done it before them and have been happy with the results. Social proofing like — testimonials, reviews, partner logos, ratings — can be a fast and effective way to build credibility with your prospects.

Follow these basic guidelines and you could be talking conversion growth numbers in days! is one of the few top design companies who help such early businesses, medium enterprises and entrepreneurs hack growth through optimizing their landing pages.

If you think good design is expensive, you should look at the cost of bad design.”— Dr. Ralf Speth, Chief Executive Officer, Jaguar Land Rover



Aditya Phatak

Product · UX Design · I occasionally write 'quick reads' and to-the-point articles on #ProductManagement // Currently Sr. Product Manager at ESPNcricinfo