Between You and I

Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2019
Louis Fratino, Beach at Night, 2017. from Tatiana Cozzarelli

Between you and I stands the truth

Something that you and I know exists,

Yet you have built your lies in denying me my existence

You push me away,

I stumble and fall into a closet

Deeper into a life built on your lies.

Between you and I stands the truth

15 was the number that you gave them

15 was the number I knew I could also be given

15 was because of love,

15 brought pain and anguish to the soul yet so innocent,

Deeper was the pain built on your lies.

Between you and I stands the truth

I am just but a black body at the mercy of your plunder,

Ready to be bruised and broken down into pieces,

To be raped, used and discarded at your will

And yet here I am still stuck in this toxicity

Deeper was the bond built on your lies.

Between you and I stands the truth,

I am in need of justice but your ego will never allow,

my tears to dry.

In my helplessness should I seek retribution?

Should I remind you that my black body was never yours,

to rape, use and discard at your will?

Deeper is the lie that built our relationship

Between you and I stands the truth,

My death will not be yours to celebrate,

My breath will not utter your praises

And my plundered black body was never yours in the first place,

But know for sure, before my death and my last breath

I will take my retribution and break away from this toxicity

Deeper has been the threats built on lies that ruined my life.



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LGBT+ Human Rights Activist| Writer| Playwright| Performing Artist| M.Phil Candidate| Queer Hate Crimes Scholar| Mandela Rhodes Scholar| Criminal Justice & Law