Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2020



Never let your personal beliefs try to dictate how another grown up human being should behave. People are indoctrinated differently by different belief systems. Stay in your lane and you will be a happy person.

Never assume because the majority of people support one thing then that is the truth. Such kind of thinking has led many people to their death (physically and mentally). Stand for what is your own truth, test your assumptions and make wise decisions.

Love unconditionally. This is a tricky one but there is nothing difficult about it. Many of us are conditioned to be selfish and that blinds us to the possibility of ever giving or even receiving love. At times, love can be found in the very same person or thing you think is not best suited for you. Never let your external beliefs and other people’s perceptions be the guide to finding love. Love is complicated but sweet when it is found.

Never be afraid of making mistakes. Make as many as possible but never be a fool by not picking up any lesson. A foolish person is one that makes the same mistake twice. When you make a mistake, sit yourself down, introspect and ask yourself how it could be done better next time.

Never hold a grudge. This one has made me lose friends. When you don’t like something, say it out loud. Keeping things to yourself produces toxicity and toxic people are canning. Free yourself by telling people whats on your mind unfiltered. I know you will sound like a sociopath but do it often and you will have a peace of mind. It will also buy you honest friends because you live an open life.

More importantly never tell a lie to get out of a sticky situation. The truth hurts yes and society is conditioned to believe lies that build than truths that hurt. A truthful person is not friends with many but their word brings them honour. The truth also can get you into trouble and bring you death, but remember you will always have a peace of mind. Never tell a white lie either, because eventually you might never sustain it and it might be the end of you.



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LGBT+ Human Rights Activist| Writer| Playwright| Performing Artist| M.Phil Candidate| Queer Hate Crimes Scholar| Mandela Rhodes Scholar| Criminal Justice & Law