Phase III Week #3: New features for kwanda

kwanda Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2018

Welcome to our newest update on our PoC for OST Alpha Phase III. This week we optimized our transactions. We are also excited of the four year OST roadmap released this week.

Custom tipping

All important functions of kwanda were already completely functional at the end of Phase II. Last week we showed you what kind of transactions we are using in our app. Users can tip good answers. So if you think someone posted a good reply on kwanda you can reward them with some of our KWA tokens.

First we did set a fixed amount for tipping. Every tip was worth 1 KWA. With our latest update we included a function where users can specify how much they would like to spend. So you can tip a good answer with 50 KWA and a not so helpful reply only with 1 KWA. Since 1 KWA is worth only 0.32 OSTalpha (for testing purposes) this is a good use case for microtransactions because every tip is only worth some cents but you can also give a higher amount if you want.

Beside the reward from the questioner, users are able to tip the answer with additional KWA. So it is possible to reward another good answer, even if it isn’t the chosen answer from the questioner. This is an additional motivation for every user to write good answers.

OST Roadmap

In this blogpost we would also like to link to the latest update of OST. They released a four year roadmap this week. There you can see how they plan to scale blockchain economies to billions of users.

We are proud to be a part of this project in form of participation in the developer challenges and we can’t wait to see how OST is developing in the upcoming months. Especially we are interested in the “BTEX Exchange” where you can trade your branded tokens back to the staked OST. But check out their blogpost if you want to know more.

Time goes fast! Next week Phase III will end. So in the next days we will finalize our work for this Alpha Phase. We are testing the Ledger and Wallet API even further and we also have to run some more transactions for testing purposes. Then we will also produce a video to show you the current status in a live demo. So stay tuned for the next update coming next Wednesday!


What progress did you make on your Alpha III PoC this week?
We included custom tips so users can specify how many tokens they want to transfer with the tip-action. We also manually triggered some transactions and optimized the frontend design of kwanda.

What did you learn/issues you had to overcome?
Actually we are fine. No issues this week.

What are you planning for the next week?
The final days are approaching fast! We are going to finalize our work for this Alpha Phase, produce the video for the submission and trigger some more transactions.

About kwanda

Kwanda is a Proof of Concept built for OST Kit Alpha Phase. It demonstrates how easy it is to integrate a token economy into a (existing) website or app powered by OST. If you want to learn more visit our website or follow us on Twitter.

You can find more information about OST Kit Alpha Phase III in the following blogpost. Please have a look at all the other great projects. You can find a collection of all blogposts here.

