ADP Holdings’ Press Release on it’s ideal partnership with KWHCoin!!!

Laquandra Phillips
KWHCoin Advanced Energy Network
2 min readAug 25, 2018


August 24, 2018, Gold River, CA: Sometimes, events and relationships yield results that are beyond one’s dreams. The alliance of ADP, Athena Global Energy Solutions (“AGES”), and the visionary KWHCoin management team resonates with a common passion and purpose to bring energy and other valuable resources to all, regardless of social or economic standing.

Along with AGES, our trusted and valued business partner, ADP is excited to see our mutual vision become a reality by joining the KWH cryptocommunity, which has already demonstrated the strength and potential for cryptocurrencies to bring reliable, affordable energy to the disadvantaged. Unlike other speculative cryptocurrencies, the KWH vision is to have its KWHCoin tied to one (1) kilowatt of energy. This concept then extends to the infusion of new energy resources, strong hard asset financial backing, and a combined management team of seasoned executives.

“ADP has spent many years building a foundation of life changing technologies and relationships that now have a unique path to the market with our connection with KWHCoin. Integrating these new energy technologies will provide continual resources to back the value of each KWHCoin. In the coming weeks and months, it will be our pleasure to bring new value to the KWHCoin by providing a broad spectrum of clean energy solutions,” said Dan Heinrich, CEO of ADP.

The alignment with an energy-backed cryptocurrency, the inclusion of a Hard Energy Asset, and the integration of energy technologies and projects will provide KWHCoin another means of increasing its value and global impact for years to come.

We encourage all who have an interest in the emerging cryptocurrency market to continue to monitor the activities of KWHCoin, which is demonstrating the very reason this platform is ideal for global expansion and adoption of energy and other life-changing technologies accessible to all. Along with our valued alignment with AGES, ADP has found an ideal fit with KWHCoin.

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