Track and broadcast your sailing on the 68th Rund Um in KWINDOO

Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2018

This is the second consecutive year when the the famous and well known German lake-rounding regatta, the Rund Um Bodensee can be followed via KWINDOO.

Rund Um will be held on the 1st of June at Lindau, Germany. It is the biggest lake-rounding regatta in Germany, its speciality is that the start is at 7:30PM, therefore the major part of the regatta takes place during the night

2017 was the first year when competitors could track their routes and viewers could follow the regatta with the KWINDOO tracking system specialized for sailing events. The new platform was a true success both among the sailors and the viewers, even though not KWINDOO was the official tracking partner.

There is considerable interest in KWINDOO on Bodensee: many regattas, for example Match Race Germany and Bodensee Woche, already use the system to make their regattas visible. It is a new possibility for everyone:

  • the racers can track their route, analyze metrics, understand efforts and improve performance with easy, yet deep insights,
  • the organizers can easily manage the marks and follow the competitors,
  • the viewers can follow the regatta without getting bored or confused,
  • and the sponsors can reach a scalable, targeted, real audience.

KWINDOO can also provide more increased safety on the water, which is especially important on a night regatta like Rund Um.

At the press of a button the racers can call the pre-set emergency number of the organisers. At the same time the system logs the GPS position ehere the caal has been initiated to be available for easier rescue operation.

Fortunately last year no one had to press this button, but it was very useful on the stormy Centomiglia at lake Garda.

Free tracking app for sailors

