Get started on Ethereum with KyberSwap

Krystal Wallet
6 min readSep 13, 2019


New to crypto trading? Don’t fret, KyberSwap is the right place to begin! is the fastest and easiest way to buy and sell tokens in a decentralized manner. Token exchange happens fully on-chain, which means KyberSwap never holds your funds, and trades are always transparent on the blockchain. You can trade with peace of mind as you’re always in control.

To own your first crypto, you need to first create your own wallet and address to store your crypto. KyberSwap is based on the Ethereum blockchain, so you need to create a new Ethereum wallet.

1. Create your new Ethereum Wallet

a) Create a new wallet with Torus

Visit! If you already have an Ethereum wallet, you can connect using Metamask, Ledger, Trezor, Coinbase Link, Wallet Connect, or other common options. If not, simply click on the ‘Torus’ button.

You will be prompted to choose your preferred social media login method. Currently 5 options are supported — Google mail, Facebook, Reddit, Twitch and Discord. Choose the one you prefer. Each social media login type is tied to a different Ethereum address (gmail is different from facebook, reddit etc.).

That’s it! It’s really that simple. Your Ethereum wallet will be successfully created within seconds and you can use it on KyberSwap or any application that supports Torus.

View your wallet address with the wallet tab on the right

b) Create a new wallet with Metamask

First install/use the Metamask browser extension, and create your wallet on Metamask by following their instructions below:

c) Create a new wallet on the KyberSwap Mobile App

Download our KyberSwap Android mobile app or iOS(Testflight), and create a new wallet there in a few seconds!

Your Ethereum wallet will have a public address that looks like e.g. 0x54DEFF07401E922Ff57cCeC5693daC0aB5CCDDc2

This wallet public address is where your friends can send you crypto! It’s like your home address where you receive mail :)

Check your wallet address balance anytime on the Ethereum blockchain explorer

With your new wallet and address, you can now connect to to send, receive, and store Ethereum tokens!

2. Buy Ether with Fiat

Your new wallet is empty, so it’s time to buy some Ether! Ether, or commonly known as ETH, is the native digital currency of Ethereum. ETH is required for all kinds of activity on the blockchain network, as a transaction fee in ETH (gas) is paid to the network when you perform any action.

On , click ‘BUY ETH’ on the menu bar and a simple drop-down list with MoonPay and Wyre fiat to crypto options will appear.

With our Torus collaboration, you can use either MoonPay or Wyre directly on the site to easily purchase ETH with fiat currency (Visa/Mastercard credit or debit cards, or apple pay). This is a very simple process and you can enjoy multiple fiat to crypto on-ramp options. For more options such as Simplex and Ramp Network, you may head to

*Note: The fiat on-ramp is only available on the web platform (not mobile app) at the moment. Torus, Moonpay, and Wyre are 3rd party service providers. Crypto is highly volatile. Information contained in this post is not intended as financial advice. Minimum/maximum purchases are subject to change. Please check with for questions related to the fiat to crypto services.

Alternatively, there are also in-person or peer-2-peer options such as LocalEthereum where you can find offers from other people.

3. Swap ETH for KNC or other ERC20 tokens!

Once you have bought ETH and receive it in your wallet, connect your wallet and use KyberSwap to easily trade more than 70 other tokens including stablecoins DAI, USDC, TUSD, USDT, digital gold DGX, as well as MKR, LINK, KNC, SNX, and WBTC (Wrapped Bitcoin)!

Simple Swaps: On KyberSwap, you can make fast, simple, secure token swaps in a few clicks. Kyber never holds your funds, you’re always in control.

Limit Orders: KyberSwap allows you to set non-custodial limit orders. You don’t have to monitor volatile crypto markets 24x7 as you can place orders to buy/sell tokens at your desired rate — no time wasted depositing and withdrawing tokens to an exchange account!

No Trading Limits: There are now no trading limits, and no KYC required. Enjoy NO restriction to your trading amount. Liquidity is subject to Reserve capacity.

Price Alerts: You can set Price Alerts to get notified whenever the token price hits your target alert level.

Price Trend Notifications: Powerful notifications that let traders know when their token price is moving.

Portfolio Dashboard: Track your performance, your transaction history, and portfolio token distribution over time.

Troubleshoot transaction issues easily: Simply paste your transaction hash on our Kyber debugger tool.

Need help? Talk to our admins using our new Live Chat function!

We now have live chat support! Just click the chat button at the bottom right of the web screen. In our mobile app, it is on the Setting tab.

A very warm welcome to Ethereum! is glad to have helped you start your crypto journey.

❗️REMINDER: will NEVER ask your to provide your Ethereum wallet’s private key. DO NOT give your private key details or send funds to anyone, even if the person claims to be from the KyberSwap team.

Explore Ethereum

Now that you can buy ETH and swap it for tokens, start exploring Ethereum! Check out the various crypto wallets, blockchain games, DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) platforms, and DeFi (decentralized finance) applications out there.

…and many more!

Want a fast, simple, secure way to exchange tokens? Just KyberSwap.

Contact Shane on Telegram or visit the KyberSwap Official Telegram if you have questions.

Learn more

👉🏻Why KyberSwap?

👉🏻What is Ethereum?

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👉🏻Limit Order 2.0 Overview

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👉🏻Transaction Debugger Tool

