4 Important Career Lessons I Learned From Indiana Jones

VEON Careers
Kyivstar Careers
Published in
7 min readJun 21, 2017


Lessons from Dmytro, Head of Market Intelligence Unit at Kyivstar

As a child, Dmytro dreamed of being Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones Jr. He even studied history and economics at university to get him ready for a life of making epic discoveries.

Today, Dmytro is the head of the market intelligence unit at Kyivstar. While Dmytro technically isn’t Indiana Jones (he’s not actually looking for the Ark of the Covenant), he’s still living out his childhood dream in many ways.

Every day for Dmytro is a quest to know more. Dmytro’s able to do this successfully because he’s learned lessons from Indiana Jones. His study of history and personal travels have helped, too.

If you’ve never looked to Indiana Jones, history, and other cultures for lessons on how to succeed tomorrow, today’s the day that changes. Here’s how these Indiana Jones, history, and travel can help you rise to new heights:

1. Learn to dream big

When Indiana Jones goes out to find the Ark of the Covenant in Raiders of the Lost Ark, there were many skeptics. Some even thought he was crazy. But when he returned with the precious artifact safe he became a legend.

“I’ve always been amazed by the sense of adventure in Indiana Jones — how he believed in his ability to discover lost artifacts and solve mysteries. As a child, I was excited to grow up because then I could begin my journey to accomplish those dreams, like Indiana Jones,” says Dmytro.

There is a noteworthy connection between Raiders of the Lost Ark and the real history Dmytro enjoys studying now, which is ancient Egyptian history. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones heads to the ancient city of Tanis in Egypt to retrieve the artifact.

“I like that the first Indiana Jones involves ancient Egypt. I love studying ancient Egypt — which is the sunrise of civilization. That time was when humanity not only dreamed of a more magnificent world, but also began to build it!”

2. Understand the importance of lifelong learning

In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indiana Jones sets off to rescue his father and locate the Holy Grail. Before and during the search, Indiana Jones learns everything he can. He gets all the necessary information to make his adventure a success.

Dmytro tries to approach his work and life with a similar attitude as Indiana Jones. Because there are always answers to find.

“My job is to analyze competitors and perform market research. I’m an investigator — and I treat each project like an adventure with a mystery to be solved,” states Dmytro.

Even when Dmytro’s not at work, he believes it’s crucial to maintain that Indiana Jones-like motivation. He regularly reads works by certain historians, such as Robert Harris. This reinforces the need and desire to be a true lifelong learner.

Dmytro and the team

What’s intriguing about Robert Harris is that he isn’t really famous for his non-fiction historical works. Robert Harris is famous for his fiction works centered on World War II. One of his bestsellers is Fatherland, a novel that gives an alternative scenario of history.

“Reading works by Robert Harris is a trip back in time. With some books, he provides alternate scenarios — which really makes you think about all the different outcomes major events could’ve taken. This insight has helped me in my job. We must always consider all the possibilities,” attests Dmytro.

3. Know there is a big world out there

If there’s anybody that’s been all over the place, it’s Indiana Jones. In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones starts in Peru and returns to the United States. After being called on to find the Ark of the Covenant, he visits Nepal and then Egypt to find the ancient artifact.

What we can take from Indiana Jones’ epic travels is the importance of relentlessly pursuing your goals. You can’t wait for doors to open for you. Instead, you have to find the right door — and open it yourself. Then, go experience the other side.

Dmytro has seemingly modeled his career off of this idea. Before coming to Kyivstar, he worked as a business journalist, a press officer for the administration of the President of Ukraine, and a competitive intelligence analyst for a beauty products brand.

“I’ve worked with numbers a lot, but my work experiences have taught me that conversations are the most important thing in life. It’s how you learn about others, figure out how to ask the right questions, and see what are the right solutions,” says Dmytro.

Dmytro’s diverse career path shows his constant push towards greater heights. He’s not waiting for opportunities to arrive at his doorstep. He’s going out to get them.

Dmytro’s individual endeavors embody a similar philosophy. Much like Indiana Jones, Dmytro enjoys adventure. He especially likes traveling to India.

“I feel like I lived in India in a previous life. I always listen to Indian mantras. I’ve been swimming in the Ganges in Varanasi, a truly fascinating place. I’ve also been to India to celebrate Holi, the Festival of Colors,” tells Dmytro.

There is an interesting parallel between Indiana Jones, Dmytro’s career path, and Holi, the Festival of Colors. Holi is a Hindu festival that marks the arrival of spring and celebrates the triumph of good over evil, as well as fertility, love, and colors. It’s that life is a continual path of exploration, enjoyment, renewal, and improvement. Each year builds upon the last — and you will climb higher if you keep your heart and eyes open.

4. Realize the power of observation

Indiana Jones is arguably the most famous treasure hunter in the history of cinema. The histories of real treasure hunters, like Mel Fisher (who discovered Nuestra Señora de Atocha, a treasure-packed fleet of ships), are quite remarkable as well. Part of what makes these treasure hunters so great is their uncanny ability to observe and investigate.

As head of the market intelligence unit, Dmytro believes it’s vital to observe and investigate like Indiana Jones does. In fact, he’s doing it all the time.

“People ask me the difference between working in journalism and working in telecom, and I tell them it’s the same. Both are all about analyzing and finding answers,” notes Dmytro.

“Even when I travel abroad, I’m soaking up what I can. I’m investigating all the time — like I’m still trying to be Indiana Jones or a real-life treasure hunter,” explains Dmytro.

You can be Indiana Jones

Dreaming big, learning continuously, exploring new things, and being investigative are how you can succeed in whatever you do. Dmytro has learned these lessons from watching lots of Indiana Jones movies, studying history, and traveling around Asia.

It’s also important to remember one thing as you try your best to be a real-life Indiana Jones. The famous treasure hunter has had many awesome and inspiring quotes over the years. But one that always sticks out is from the beginning of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:

“Forget any ideas you’ve got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world. We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and ‘X’ never, ever marks the spot.”

This quote highlights the importance of research, preparation, and hard work. What’s also notable (and humorous) is that ‘X’ actually does mark the spot later in the film. That brings up another crucial truth: You must be ready for the unexpected along the way — and you must adapt.

“I always remember that X did mark the spot! In some ways, my own job is like a game where I must anticipate surprises and what my competitors will do. I’ve taken some tips from Indiana Jones! I also remember to be ready for anything,” expresses Dmytro.

So, there you have it. Stay on your toes as you go, too. And you’ll find your Holy Grail.

