
Your :DailyBunch for January 11, 2017

Kyle Bunch
Kyle Bunch


If you unplugged from Twitter last night, you missed a wee bit of news. I’ve taken the liberty of pulling together the highlights of what is currently trending on Twitter as #GoldenShowerGate:

In other news…

With the rise of the machines upon us and jobs increasingly going to the robots, what can we learn from the Luddites?

These tough times making you long for the days when smart people could tell dumb people how dumb they are? This video of David Bowie talking to BBC interviewer/internet skeptic Jeremy Paxman will scratch your itch:

Also filed under ‘interviews that will help reaffirm your faith in humanity,’ Beyonce and Solange for Interview Magazine:

And in case you missed it, Iggy Pop’s interview with CBS Sunday Morning’s Anthony Mason is absolutely worth a read:

Hard to go wrong with a headline like ‘The John Williams of Japan.’ Well done, Pitchfork:

Columbus, Ohio: Malltown, U.S.A.:

As a former college student whose alma mater sold beer at their home stadium for the first two years I was in school and then banned the last two years, I can say, at least anecdotally, that actually selling beer at college football games does decrease binge drinking (or did in my case):

I’ve been saying it for some time: concussions and CTE at the high school level will be the death of football in America. Zac Easter’s story is a tragic cautionary tale that may become more common as awareness of brain damage from concussions increases:

Since we’ll all likely have (or be) stressed-out colleagues this year, this is probably worth bookmarking (or putting to immediate use):

Or, if some people get their way, you could just tell your stressed-out colleague to take a break and blow off some steam:

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow.




Kyle Bunch
Kyle Bunch

Strategy at @RGA // Co-founded @blogswithballs. Obsessed with all things culture, technology and sport.