At the Box Office Infographic

Kyle Casey
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2017

Top 10 Highest Grossing Movie Franchises

I absolutely love movies and I love seeing how well movies do at the box office. I think it is interesting to see what ratings they get and how much money they make. So I decided to make an infographic with this information.

I had 2 original ideas. I wasn’t sure which design would work better until I actually got to the wireframe and layout process. I really wanted the circle layout to work, but as I started wireframing, I learned it wasn’t going to work as well as I hoped.

Once I had an idea of how I was going to layout the infographic, then I started thinking more about what information I would include. As stated above, I was planning on using the following data:

But then I thought, why not add in all of the movies in each franchise and make a graph showing how well each movie did. So here is the information I then collected from

James Bond has 25 movies in the entire franchise, that seemed like a lot to try and make a graph and still have it legible. So I decided to display the last 10 movies in the franchise (Living Daylights — Spectre).

So now that you have all of the information and reasons why I chose what I did, here is the final infographic. After creating the tomato chart, it was interesting to see the top few franchises didn’t have any Rotten Tomatoes, and the further down the list you get, the more Rotten Tomatoes you see. But they still make billions of dollars.

Kyle Casey is a student in the Digital Media program at Utah Valley University, Orem Utah, studying Interaction & Design. The following article relates to (Infographic) in the (DGM 2271 Course) and representative of the skills learned.



Kyle Casey

I am a Designer at heart! I absolutely love anything Disney and anything Coldplay!