Walker’s Bits and Observations Podcast

Kyle Walker
Kyle Walker-BCA 332
2 min readNov 23, 2020

With finals upon us, mental health is…. well on the mind. If you find yourself struggling to stay in high spirits or just want to learn more about how to maintain healthy mental practices tune into my new podcast, “Walker’s Bits and Observations.”

The podcast devoted to discussing and analyzing the ways we think and how we can promote positive mental health practices for college students. Each episode has a different guest speaker who will share their own personal experiences overcoming mental health struggles or mental health professionals who share insight on how we take in information.

The above link takes you to a preview snippet of the first episode of this podcast. In this episode I discuss the idea of perceived validity of taking a “mental health” day in college. This semester the university has been especially vocally about making sure to take care of your mental health. However, some professors refuse to recognize a mental health day as an acceptable absence. This leads us to question whether it will be acceptable to take one in our future careers. This week my guest is Amy Campbell, a counselor from CMU’s counseling center. Mrs. Campbell and I discuss how we can change our own attitudes towards taking mental health days and the importance of taking them.

If you have any topics you are interested in hearing us discuss or would like to be a guest speaker for the next episode, please email me at walke2ks@cmich.edu. Tune in next week for more mental health knowledge!

