Pandora‘s Design Concept — Data Discovery & Reverse Data Discovery

Metrics Store in Action #3–2-minute Tech Tok for 2 years’ Implementation

Lori Lu
3 min readJan 21, 2022


Kyligence — Metric Platform Case Study

This blog series introduces how a Top Commercial Bank in China has successfully rolled out a self-service metrics platform, Pandora, to democratize data across the bank since December 2019.

In case you’ve missed the previous articles, here is where the story begins.

Before getting down to the nitty-gritty, let’s first look at this metrics platform from the non-technical business users' perspective — What features are most valuable for their day-to-day activities?

Pandora‘s Design Concept

Help People Discover Metrics,

Help Metrics Discover People.

One thing to highlight is Pandora’s unique design concept that truly gives this platform its depth. This idea is equivalent to the concept of Data Discovery & Reverse Data Discovery.

To achieve this goal, the product team created two sets of features. The first set is the basic BI features for metric management and exploration. The second is the advanced AI features to enable metrics to “find” target consumers, e.g. metric recommendation, and proactively share actionable insights with them, e.g. marketing attribution analysis.

Basic Features — People Manage & Explore Metrics

Pandora Dashboard

Metric Manager — Metric Lifecycle, Permissions, Versioning

Metric Manager is a comprehensive collection of functionalities to assist business users in managing metrics versions and lifecycle. It also provides a user-friendly interface to set up role-based access control (RBAC) and additional fine-grained permissions.

Metric Explorer — Metric Catalogue

Metric Tree

Metric Explorer holds the same mission as a Data Catalogue tool, making data exploration intuitive for anyone. But in this case, some functions are specifically designed for metric discovery, for instance, KPI tree (pictured above) that displays metrics in a tree structure aligned with a business process or company structure.

Metric Card —Data Visualisation

Metric Card

Metric Card serves as a visualization tool to analyze metrics and assemble dashboards. However, it goes far beyond a common standard visualization tool with the support of built-in advanced AI features. We’ll cover it in detail in the next blog.

Marketplace — Data Community

Pandora Marketplace

Surprisingly, Marketplace is the most popular feature. It is a data community for internal employees to share metrics. Authors will receive credits when someone likes, saves, comments, shares, and reuses their metric cards. This rule really gives individuals the incentive to contribute to the metric platform and compete to be on the top of a ranking board for popular creators.

Data/Metric API

Pandora offers full-featured APIs that allow downstream applications to programmatically interact with this platform.

Quick Links

Enterprise Metric Platform in Action #5

Enterprise Metric Platform in Action #4

Enterprise Metric Platform in Action #3

Enterprise Metric Platform in Action #2

Enterprise Metric Platform in Action #1

BI Dashboards are Creating a Technical Debt Black Hole

How Top Companies Build a Metric Platform

Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

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💚 Special thanks to Rachel Beddor for proofreading the article!!! 💚



Lori Lu

Data, Strategy & Planning | Restaurant Industry