The Golden Key to Becoming a Success Data Expert: Kyligence Zen

Lena Pan
Published in
6 min readOct 21, 2022

You may have read a number of blog posts related to Kyligence Zen in recent days. Are you impressed by its simply metric creation interface, cool metric analytics, and one-stop metric management function that allows you to see metrics in conjunction with goals? You may be curious about what is Kyligence Zen, where can I try it out and how do I get an account, do I need to download some apps first, or are there any best practices?

Don’t worry. You can find answers to all these questions in this blog.

Photo by Maria Ziegler on Unsplash

About Kyligence Zen

Product Name: Kyligence Zen

Product Positioning: The One-Stop-Shop Metrics Platform

  • Consistent Metrics Catalog
  • AI-Augmented Metrics Automation
  • Collaborative and Aligned Goals
  • Open Ecosystem Enabled by Metrics API
  • One-click access to best industry practices (constantly updated)

How to Use: Visit Kyligence Zen website to start your trial without having to download or install anything. Notes: Please use a commercial email to register.

Trial Limits: Unlimited free trials

Notice: Please keep your organization name, user name, and password safe


Now you know what Kyligence Zen is. So how to get started quickly? No hurry, we will show you how to get started with Kyligence Zen in 5 steps.

Step 1: Register an account

On Kyligence Zen website. Click Start Trial in the top right corner. Fill in the required field to create a new account. You will then receive a confirmation email. Click Verify Email Address in the email to complete verification. Create an organization Name and Password on the page that pops up. So far we have completed the account setup.

Note: Please keep the organization name, email, and password safe, which will be required to log in to Kyligence Zen.

Create a Kyligence Zen account

Step 2: Import data

At present, only comma-separated value (CSV) formatted files can be used in Kyligence Zen. You can click + NEW on the Data page. On the subsequent Create Table page, recall the .csv file in it by uploading a local CSV file or connecting to an Amazon S3 bucket.

Add data source


  1. If you already have an excel file, you can save it as a .csv file directly.
  2. The size limit of a .csv file is 200M.
  3. CSV uses comma as file separators, so please avoid “,” in a CSV cell or you may encounter a column offset issue.
  4. Make sure all the column names contain only letters, numbers, and underscores.
  5. At present, Kyligence Zen only uses the ISO formats YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss to represent dates and times. Please make sure your data format in the table is compatible.

Step 3: Generate metrics

Kyligence Zen currently supports metrics creation directly through the interface. With our support to YAML, you can also create metrics in bulk with the metric definition file (.yaml).

At the moment: Kyligence Zen supports creating the following types of metrics via its UI:

  • Basic metrics: Basic metrics are the smallest granularity metrics that can be used to quantify the attributes of statistical items (e.g., total amount).
  • Derived metrics: Once the basic metric is created, Kyligence Zen supports derivative calculations of the metric, e.g., calculating the month-to-month sales.
  • Composite metrics: Composite metrics are calculated based on multiple basic metrics. You can add, subtract, and divide multiple metrics. For instance, you can calculate the average unit price of a product/service by dividing the total revenue earned from the product/service by the number of products/services sold.
Different metrics supported

Meanwhile, you can create metrics in bulk using a prepared metric definition file (.yaml). For more information about the yaml syntax used in Kyligence Zen, please refer to Yaml Reference in Kyligence Zen Playbook.

Below is an example of yaml syntax. You can click Import Metrics in the middle of the Kyligence Zen Metrics tab to define metrics in bulk.

# [Basic metrics]|Total Sales demo
- name: Total Sales demo
display_name: Total Sales demo
description: Count the sum of the amount of all orders, also called GMV (Gross Merchandise Volume)
datasource: retail_stores_by_transaction
type: basic
status: online
expressions: retail_stores_by_transaction.item_unit_price * (1 - retail_stores_by_transaction.item_discount) * retail_stores_by_transaction.order_quantity
aggregation: SUM
return_type: double
expressions: retail_stores_by_transaction.order_date_year
display_name: Order year
expressions: retail_stores_by_transaction.store_city
display_name: Store city
expressions: retail_stores_by_transaction.item_category
display_name: Product category
expressions: retail_stores_by_transaction.order_date
display_name: Order date
expressions: retail_stores_by_transaction.order_date
display_name: Order date

# [Derived metrics] Maximum Daily Sales Each Year
- name: Maximum Daily Sales Each Year demo
display_name: Maximum Daily Sales Each Year
description: Check the maximum daily sales each year by specifying the year and date dimension
type: derived
base_metric: Total Sales demo
status: online
type: running_total
agg_type: max
partition_depth: 1

Step 3: Align metrics with goals

Deriving data insights is not the ultimate target of our analytics. The ultimate mission of data is to leverage insights to drive business growth. With the Goal feature of Kyligence Zen, you can align metrics with company goals, so that you can track your business performance in real time and deploy resources in a timely manner to achieve your goals.

Click Goals. For example, if we have a goal of Total Reading reaching 10,000, we can add this goal, then add data in the Current/Target column, align the metric of Total Reading with the goal, and set the target value, as shown below.

Align metrics with goal

Kyligence Zen will automatically calculate the percentage of goal achieved. Besides, you can also break each goal into various subgoals to align with different teams.

Add a subgoal

Step 5: Generate a dashboard by drag-and-drop

Every business data will be inevitably influenced by many factors. Therefore, we can use the Dashboard feature of Kyligence Zen to observe metrics from different perspectives to generate and deliver insights promptly.

On the Dashboards page, click + NEW and enter the name for the dashboard. Click the + button on the left pane to add the desired metric. Kyligence Zen will automatically list all the dimensions of the metric. You can drag the metric and dimensions to be analyzed into the dashboard to draw an analysis diagram and customize it in the chart data on the right side of the page.

Create dashboard

Congratulations! You have completed your trial of Kyligence Zen! Kyligence Zen is the one-stop-shop metrics platform developed by Kyligence. You can start your free trial by simply visiting Kyligence Zen website.

