Use Metrics to Monitor the Call Center Operation and Avoid the “Endless Waiting” Hotline Calls

Walter Gui
Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2022

Let’s take a quick survey: How long are you willing to wait on a service hotline? 1 minute? According to the survey, 60% of users can wait up to 1 minute, and more than 90% of users will hang up after 5 minutes of waiting.

Imagine the following scenario: Some user called the after-sales hotline, but he waited too long so he gave up on the product. The hotline is a low-cost solution to the problem, but the long waiting time has hurt the brand image.

Image by on Freepik

To address these issues, we can create some Key metrics of the call center and identify the areas for improvement. In this blog, we will build a cloud-based metrics store with Kyligence Zen. With this metrics platform, we can see how busy the call center is and adjust the number of agents and their scheduling. Team members can also measure their KPI achievement with these metrics.

Step 1 Prepare data and metrics

First, we select and upload our our call center’s advertising and marketing data on the Data page of Kyligence Zen. The data has been modified from the call center dataset (by Ashish Pandey).

To improve the customer experience and reduce the call waiting time for users, we want to identify the areas for improvement by analysis from perspectives of dates, agents, among others. So we have the following metrics in this template:

The datasets and templates used in this blog has been published on Kyligence Zen Metrics Template Marketplace. Feel free to check it out with one click.

Total Incoming Call: The total number of incoming calls from customers to the after-sales center, including the number of incoming calls abandoned due to queuing, etc. It can be used to measure the call size of the after-sales center.

Total Completing Call: The number of calls successfully connected to agents after the calls are initiated.

Call Completing Rate: Total Completing Call/Total Incoming Call. The ratio of the number of completed customer communications to the total number of incoming calls.

Total Abandon Call: The number of calls abandoned by customers after after the calls are initiated due to various reasons

Average Call Abandon Rate: Total Abandon Call/Total Incoming Call. The ratio of calls abandoned by customers before being successfully connected to customer service. It can be used to measure customer satisfaction with wait time and call experience.

Average Waiting Time: The average amount of time customers spend queueing or waiting to be transferred to another agent. Reducing the length of time will help improve customer satisfaction.

Longest Waiting Time: The maximum amount of time customers spend in waiting in lines or waiting to be transferred to an agent. Reducing the length of time will help improve customer satisfaction.

Metric cards Image by Kyligence Zen

We can see the metric value and trend via the metric card. For example, the average waiting time of the call center is 67.52 seconds, and the longest wait time being 125 seconds. 19% of users abandon the call when all agents are busy. etc., and the call abandon rate has been on the rise recently.

Step 2 Set up a goal-driven managing system

To improve the customer calling experience, we created the following goals to ensure the reduction of call wait time, which is quite easy to set up with Kyligence Zen and it supports alignment between the goal and metric, so we can track the goal accomplishment progress in real time.

Goals Image by Kyligence Zen

The progress of goal completion shows that the average waiting time has been achieved, but the connection rate is at high risk. To dig out the root cause behind, we created the following reports with the Dashboard feature of Kyligence Zen.

Dashboard Image by Kyligence Zen

Based on the above reports, we can conduct a joint analysis on time and hotline agents, for example, over the past three months, the calling center received the highest number of calls at 13:00, and the lowest number (14) at 18:00. The shifts of the agents can be rotated accordingly, more agents will be assigned to the peak hours, and fewer will be assigned to the off-peak hours.

Based on the metrics provided by the Kyligence Zen template, we can visually check the call center operating efficiency, based on which, the company can develop measures to reduce customer waiting time and improve customer experience, like adjusting agent shifts, skills training, etc.

The Metrics for Analyzing Call Center Efficiency have been published in Kyligence Zen Metrics Template market. You may click the link and reproduce the use case in your own Kyligence Zen account.

