Blockchain Weekly Digest — January 29th, 2024

Validator Consolidation in EIP-7251, Rated’s “solo-staker filter” for the Ethereum Beacon Chain, Introducing ATOM Wars, Lava goes Modular, Cardano Weekly Development Update, Moddable enables DeFi innovator’s contract with Hardened JavaScript, and Kava and Ankr Join Forces.

6 min readJan 29, 2024


In this week’s Blockchain Digest covers various developments in the blockchain space, including Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 7251, focusing on validator consolidation; Rated’s “solo-staker filter” for Ethereum Beacon Chain; the introduction of “ATOM Wars” in the Cosmos ecosystem; Lava Network’s transition to a modular approach; Cardano’s weekly development update; Moddable enabling secure JavaScript in Agoric’s smart contract platform; and the integration of Ankr with the Kava Network to provide a geo-distributed RPC service. Navigate through the quiet, yet captivating waters of the crypto world in this weekly roundup. Keep reading for a detailed exploration of each update.


Validator Consolidation in EIP-7251

Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 7251, which aims to increase the MAX_EFFECTIVE_BALANCE of Ethereum validators to 2048 ETH while maintaining the 32 ETH minimum. The key feature is “in-protocol consolidation,” allowing validators to merge their effective balances without fully exiting and re-entering the protocol. This facilitates large staking pools to merge validators without sacrificing significant rewards. The FAQ section explains the need for in-protocol consolidation, its benefits, and the process involved, addressing questions about source and target validator rewards, slashing during consolidation, withdrawal credentials, and limitations on the number of validators consolidated at a time. The EIP is seen as valuable for reducing the number of validators and improving solo staking, though consolidation is opt-in, and it outlines potential benefits even if widespread consolidation does not occur.

Check it out the note 👉 here.

Rated’s “solo-staker filter” for the Ethereum Beacon Chain

Rated’s “solo-staker filter” for the Ethereum Beacon Chain, developed in 2023, aims to determine the number of solo stakers in the Ethereum staking ecosystem. The methodology found that approximately 6.5% of ETH staked on the Beacon Chain belongs to solo stakers. The repository contains materials related to this work, including a list of solo-staker mappings with deposit addresses, confidence scores, validator counts, withdrawal addresses, average activation epochs, and related withdrawal address validator counts. The list, based on a probabilistic, machine learning methodology, is open-sourced under the CC-BY-SA-4.0 license, allowing various use cases such as curated sets, airdrop filters, and innovation within the community.

Check it out the repo 👉 here.


Introducing ATOM Wars

The “ATOM Wars” concept is to enhance the Cosmos ecosystem’s governance capabilities and value accrual for ATOM holders. The system involves staking ATOM tokens for boosted decision power in allocating liquidity injections into third-party projects through a competitive bidding process. This mechanism aims to generate revenue opportunities for the Cosmos Hub. The concept introduces vATOM tokens, offering special voting rights based on staked ATOMs’ locking periods. The liquidity injections and project bids contribute to revenue sources, with a proposed distribution plan. It also suggests features like tranches, voting rules, and a quorum for effective implementation. Furthermore, the concept includes a dedicated tranche for Inter-Blockchain Communication Standard (ICS) chains and explores potential expansions into governance and private capital participation.

Read the forum 👉 here and share your feedback.

Lava goes Modular

Lava Network is transitioning to a modular approach, aiming to provide flexibility for web3 developers by creating a dynamic marketplace for any type of data on any blockchain. Lava addresses the fragmented infrastructure in the multi-chain ecosystem, allowing developers to build on any chain without worrying about data infrastructure. The network incentivizes “Champions” to add new data types, “Providers” to run nodes, “Delegators” to stake and earn rewards, and “Consumers” to access data. Lava plans to support various ecosystems, including Celestia, and expand beyond RPC to oracles, sequencers, indexing, and more. Mainnet is expected in Q1 2024.

Check it out the blog post 👉 here.


Cardano Weekly Development Update

The latest blog post provides an overview of recent developments across various teams in the Cardano ecosystem. The networking team focused on integrating bootstrap peers with the Cardano node, while the consensus team worked on Genesis and ledger DB API. The Marlowe team made progress on smart contracts, and the Hydra team worked on version 0.15.0 release and hydra-chess. The Mithril team released the Mithril client NPM package and made advancements in Cardano transaction certification. Work is ongoing on Conway features in the Voltaire & Sanchonet projects. The Catalyst team initiated Fund11 voting and hosted an AMA Twitter space. The community held its third town hall, and the education team is planning Cardano Days events and working on content for Mastering Cardano, including Haskell Bootcamp lessons 16 and 17.

Check it out the blog post 👉 here.


Moddable enables DeFi innovator’s contract with Hardened JavaScript

Agoric, a software company focusing on decentralized finance (DeFi), collaborated with Moddable to implement a secure JavaScript engine, XS, in their smart contract platform. Moddable’s XS engine, known for its simplicity and security, underwent rigorous testing and hardening efforts, including fuzz testing and the development of Hardened JavaScript to prevent malicious interference between contracts. The collaboration resulted in operational performance improvements and resource reductions for Agoric, enhancing scalability and determinism in contract execution. The security measures implemented by Moddable also benefit IoT products, making them more secure and robust for consumer and industrial markets.

Check it out the blog post 👉 here.


Kava and Ankr Join Forces

Ankr has integrated with the Kava Network, offering developers a geo-distributed Kava RPC service that eliminates the need for setting up individual Kava nodes, providing low-latency connections worldwide. The Kava RPCs facilitate easier access to Kava’s information, tools, and capabilities, empowering developers to build scalable and interoperable dApps on the Kava Network without the complexities of node operations. Ankr aims to strengthen the Kava network globally by providing broader, decentralized node infrastructure and supporting easier development.

Check it out the blog post 👉 here.

Thank you for reading.

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