Blockchain Weekly Digest — June 26th, 2023

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7 min readJun 26, 2023

As we navigate through this week, key developments continue to unfold, promising new avenues and innovation. Leading the way this week — The Lace team released the latest version of their wallet, Lace v.1.2, which includes new browser support, enhanced NFT organization, privacy features, and increased speed, while the Marlowe Launch Party will be held at Poolside in Lisbon, offering an opportunity to explore smart contracts and connect with like-minded enthusiasts on July 5th, 2023, and Fund10 was officially launched by the Project Catalyst team, with talks by Tamara Haasen and Tim Harrison, providing an overview of the changes and showcasing supporting documentation.

Duality, the 3rd Consumer Chain in ICS, aims to build efficient and incentive-aligned markets for decentralized finance, emphasizing community, security, and decentralized decision-making, while Stride, the 2nd Consumer Chain in ICS, will undergo a second rehearsal on June 28th to ensure a successful transition to ICS on July 19th. Meanwhile, is a community-operated gateway that keeps Cosmonauts informed about every Consumer Chain’s onboarding within the Atom Economic Zone.

Oak Security has been commissioned to conduct a third-party audit of the Replicated Security codebase in the Cosmos ecosystem, aiming to review the latest version thoroughly, while ATOM Berlin, featuring keynotes, panels, and networking opportunities, will take place on July 11th, 2023.

Tether plans to launch its USDT stablecoin natively on Kava, offering simplified processes for stablecoin liquidity provision and transfer between the Cosmos and Ethereum ecosystems, and Kava 14 is scheduled to launch on July 12th, bringing forth new developments to the platform. Meanwhile, Desmos mainnet has been successfully upgraded to Desmos v5.1.0, incorporating the latest Cosmos SDK version and introducing new features.

And finally, Neutron is implementing the Skip MEV Auction to optimize blockspace and recapture MEV revenue, providing rewards for ATOM stakers and enhancing transaction ecosystem efficiency, and Pulsar Finance now integrates Neutron, allowing users to easily track their Neutron position on the cross-chain portfolio management platform. Navigate through the quiet, yet captivating waters of the crypto world in this weekly roundup. Keep reading for a detailed exploration of each update.


Lace Wallet

The Lace team released the wallet’s latest version, 👉 Lace v.1.2, which brings new browser support, new ways to organize your NFTs, a new privacy feature, increased speed, and more. The Lace product design team also published a 👉 blog post on the design differences between Web3 and the traditional web.

Marlowe Launch Party

The upcoming Marlowe Launch Party will take place at Poolside, Lisbon’s premier Web3 hub. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to dive into the world of smart contracts and connect with like-minded enthusiasts.

Date : July 5th, 2023

Register 👉 here!

Project Catalyst

The Project Catalyst team kicked off the official launch of Fund10 at 👉 this week’s town hall. The celebration started with riveting talks by two people whom you may already know very well, Tamara Haasen — President and Chief of Staff at IOG, and Tim Harrison — VP of Community and Ecosystem. The team gave an overview of all the Fund10 changes you will need to know about and showed some of Fund10’s supporting documentation (Fund10 launch guide, Catalyst gitbooks).


Duality (3rd Consumer Chain in ICS)

The vision for Duality is to take a major step towards building efficient and incentive-aligned markets that realize the original vision of decentralized finance: open and fair finance without middlemen. To do so requires full-stack control : custom logic for transaction inclusion and ordering, reduced block times to improve UX, modifications to fee markets to reduce network congestion and more. It’s also imperative that a new protocol should never sacrifice community, security, or decentralized decision making in this process. Duality is built with ICS, because ICS provides a solution to these needs by supporting new protocols with high-security, and a vibrant community.

Read this third Consumer Chain draft proposal 👉 here and share your feedback.

Duality is approaching the Atom Economic Zone.

Let’s discuss in this 👉 Twitter Space on June 27th, 15:00 UTC!

Stride Rehearsal (2nd Consumer Chain in ICS)

A successful rehearsal will pave the way for Stride to join Atom Economic Zone.

A second Stride rehearsal will occur on June 28th, 15:00 UTC. This is an essential test before initiating Stride’s transition to ICS on July 19th.

Attention to Cosmos Hub validators, the second rehearsal will be coordinated on the Cosmos Hub Discord. If you don’t have access to this channel, tag a moderator to get the ‘Replicated Security’ role!

For more information 👉 here.

The Atom Economic Zone is expanding exponentially, with more and more chains getting ready to join in.

Introducing 👉 , a community-operated gateway to the vibrant Atom Economic Zone! is the ultimate destination for Cosmonauts seeking to learn more about the Atom Economic Zone! With the latest updates, you will be kept informed about every Consumer Chain’s onboarding within Atom Economic Zone.

Oak Security

Oak Security, one of the most-reputable auditors in the space. With governance proposal #687, the community voted to commission Oak Security to conduct a third-party audit of Replicated Security.

The scope of the audit is to review the latest version of the Replicated Security code. The main aims are to double-check the audit by Informal Systems as well as review the code changes since that audit was completed to ensure that the latest version of the Replicated Security code is reviewed thoroughly and no new issues have come to light.

Oak Security has now published 👉 audit report of the highly anticipated Cosmos Interchain Security codebase implemented by Informal Systems.

ATOM Berlin

Join for insightful keynotes & panels, networking, lunch and more on ATOM Berlin.

Date : July 11th, 2023

After less than 24h hours ATOMBerlin is sold out! They will release some more 👉 tickets on this Tuesday.


Native USDt issued on KAVA

Tether to launch its USDT stablecoin on the Kava, a layer-1 blockchain designed for scalability and speed.

Tether’s decision to integrate USDT natively on Cosmos, using Kava as a hub, will bring accessibility and financial stability to users and developers within the Cosmos ecosystem. Unlike external bridge solutions — which proliferate dozens of versions of a wrapped asset, siloing liquidity, discouraging participation and harming user experience — natively issued USDT on Kava simplifies the process and offers a streamlined, efficient mechanism for stablecoin liquidity provision and transfer between the Cosmos and Ethereum ecosystems.

For more detail 👉 here.


Kava 14 is set to launch on July 12th!

Stay tuned for more information.

Desmos Network

Desmos v5.1.0 upgrade

Desmos mainnet has been successfully upgraded to Desmos v5.1.0. This update includes the upgrade to Cosmos SDK v0.47.3 and brings forth a range of new features and minor bug fixes.

For more detail 👉 here.


Skip MEV Auction on Neutron

Neutron is taking a major step towards optimising blockspace and recapturing MEV.

The Skip MEV Auction recaptures MEV revenue for Neutron and the Cosmos Hub. This revenue translates into rewards for ATOM stakers, creating additional incentives for network participation.

Running a version of software that accepts bids from Skip Sentinel is key to enabling this new functionality. Let’s register 👉 here to activate the Sentinel to maximise the benefits for the network.

Neutron is committed to bringing the auction in-protocol, and is working with Skip to pave the way for a more efficient transaction ecosystem. Protocol-owned builders and in-chain auctions will enhance the landscape, offering improved revenue potential and better UX.

Pulsar integrates Neutron

Users able to track their Neutron position easily on Pulsar Finance, a cross-chain portfolio management platform.

Try it on 👉 here.

Thank you for reading.

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About Us

🌐 KysenPool Validator

Unlock the Power of Staking with Our Trusted Blockchain Infrastructure Services!

We aim to decentralize the Proof-of-Stake blockchain ecosystem. We’re highly familiar with the Tendermint-based blockchains such as Cosmos, Kava, Quicksilver; Ethereum and EVM-chains like Harmony; and substrate-based chains such as Cardano. Our global team is continuously improving our automations and constantly monitoring our operations to ensure high availability and resilience.

Our infrastructure is a hybrid of data centers bolstered with Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), and distributed globally at multiple Cloud providers. Our mission is to help provide a sound infrastructure, tooling and services, so that developers can build with confidence. We hope you like our contributions into the ecosystems that we support. To find out more about networks that we support, checkout our website below.

