LaTeX Multiple Choice Exam Templates (using ‘exam’ class)

Plantillas de Exámenes de Opción Múltiple en LaTeX

Mariano Morales Ramírez
Technicolor >
1 min readJun 11, 2018


If you are looking for a multiple choice exam template written in TeX, you just found one (both in English and Spanish).

Example of a Precalculus Multiple Choice Template

The images are commented out. To enable these lines, just remove the ‘%’ at the begginning of each line (i.e. uncomment it) and replace with the name of the file you want to use.

All the code preceded by a ‘%’ sign will be ignored when compiling the code.

If you want to replace the header with an image of yours, simply uncomment the lines and replace {header-cufm.png} with the name of your image.

To show solutions, simply add answers after ‘addpoints’. It should look like this:

\documentclass[legalpaper, 12pt, addpoints, answers]{exam}

LaTeX code

Open with ShareLaTeX

Ejemplo de Examen hecho en LaTeX (en español)

This one uses {oneparchoices}, saving a lot of space.



Mariano Morales Ramírez
Technicolor >

I teach STEM related courses with AI. I like helping students find and unleash their true potential by enabling opportunities. Former Texas Tech student.