L'asino vola
The Critic as Artist
6 min readJul 6, 2016


Domani, al Centro Cultural São Paulo, verrà inaugurata “Hollywood e Além: o cinema investigativo de Thom Andersen”, una rassegna di 18 tra corti e lungometraggi che include 11 film del regista e critico americano — autore del film culto Los Angeles Plays Itself e di altri eccezionali essay films — e 7 opere sperimentali di alcuni filmmakers che hanno collaborato con Andersen condividendone l’attenzione per la conservazione del patrimonio cinematografico: Adam R. Levine, Ross Lipman, Peter Bo Rappmund e Billy Woodberry.

La rassegna è curata da due critici brillanti e appassionati: Aaron Cutler e Mariana Shellard.

Partecipiamo con grande piacere il programma, con l’augurio che i film selezionati ricevano l’attenzione che meritano; non solo a São Paulo.


Thom Andersen’s investigative cinema

We are pleased to announce the film series Hollywood and Beyond: Thom Andersen’s Investigative Cinema, which will occur at the Centro Cultural São Paulo (CCSP) on July 8th-17th. The series lineup contains a combination of 18 features and shorts (14 of which are receiving their Brazilian premières), and it celebrates the work of one of the most important contemporary American filmmakers along with artists connected to him. Andersen and his wife and collaborator Christine Chang will be in attendance during the series, which will feature an onstage conversation between him and the film programmer and archivist Remier Lion Rocha on July 14th.

Thom Andersen (born in 1943) has taught in the School of Film/Video at the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts) in his home city of Los Angeles since 1987.

His film work consists of studies of the modern cinema’s origins, the American film industry’s politics, the Hollywood urban imaginary’s construction, and the state of simple contemporary urban spaces.

The series lineup contains 11 films directed by Andersen. Among them are his most celebrated film, Los Angeles Plays Itself — an analysis of the complex relationship between the city of Los Angeles and the Hollywood film industry — and his most recent feature, The Thoughts That Once We Had — a personal study of the film writings and ideas of the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze.

The lineup also contains seven additional films involving the participation of contemporary American artists who have collaborated with Andersen. The works of Adam R. Levine, Ross Lipman, Peter Bo Rappmund, and Billy Woodberry share many themes with those of Andersen, particularly cinema’s role in preserving the past.

Hollywood and Beyond: Thom Andersen’s Investigative Cinema has been sponsored by the Prefeitura de São Paulo/Secretaria Municipal de Cultura, the Centro Cultural São Paulo, and the Circuito Municipal de Cultura; programmed by Aaron Cutler and by Mariana Shellard; and produced by Anamauê Artes Visuais.

Centro Cultural São Paulo (CCSP)
Rua Vergueiro, 1.000
São Paulo, SP 05427–10
Sala Lima Barreto
Tel.: 11 3397 4002
Ticket price: R$ 3.00 (maintenance tax, no discounts available)


All screenings and events held in the Sala Lima Barreto at the Centro Cultural São Paulo (CCSP). Synopses of all films in the series can be read in Portuguese on the Centro Cultural’s website.

5:30 p.m.
- Olivia’s Place (dir. Thom Andersen, 1966/74, 6 min, 16mm-to-DCP)
- Juke — Passages from the Films of Spencer Williams (dir. Thom Andersen, 2015, 29 min, DCP)
- Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer (dir. Thom Andersen, 1975, 59 min, 16mm-to-35mm restoration-to DCP)
(Total: 94 min)
7:30 p.m.
- The Thoughts That Once We Had (dir. Thom Andersen, 2015, 105 min, DCP)(Total: 105 min)

5:00 p.m.
- California Sun (dir. Thom Andersen, 2015, 4 min, DCP)
- Get Out of the Car (dir. Thom Andersen, 2010, 34 min, 16mm-to-DCP)
- Tectonics (dir. Peter Bo Rappmund, 2012, 60 min, DCP)
(Total: 98 min)
7:00 p.m
- Los Angeles Plays Itself (dir. Thom Andersen, 2003, 170 min, DCP)
(Total: 170 min)

5:30 p.m.
- Marseille après la guerre (dir. Billy Woodberry, 2015, 11 min, DCP)
- And When I Die, I Won’t Stay Dead… (dir. Billy Woodberry, 2015, 90 min, DCP)
(Total: 101 min)
7:30 p.m.
- Notfilm (dir. Ross Lipman, 2015, 129 min, DCP)
- Film (dir. Alan Schneider, 1965, 22 min, restored 35mm-to-DCP)
(Total: 151 min)

No screenings scheduled

5:30 p.m.
- The Tony Longo Trilogy (dir. Thom Andersen, 2014, 14 min, DCP)
- Topophilia (dir. Peter Bo Rappmund, 2015, 62 min, DCP)
(Total: 76 min)
7:30 p.m.
- Koh (dir. Adam R. Levine, 2010, 2 min, 16mm-to-ProRes)
- Red Hollywood (dir. Thom Andersen and Noël Burch, 1996, 114 min, DCP)(Total: 116 min)

5:30 p.m.

- — — — — — — (aka The Rock ’n’ Roll Movie) (dir. Thom Andersen and Malcolm Brodwick, 1967, 11 min, 16mm-to-DCP)
- Reconversão (dir. Thom Andersen, 2012, 69 min, DCP)
(Total: 80 min)
7:30 p.m.
- Olivia’s Place (dir. Thom Andersen, 1966/74, 6 min, 16mm-to-DCP)
- Juke — Passages from the Films of Spencer Williams (dir. Thom Andersen, 2015, 29 min, DCP)
- Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer (dir. Thom Andersen, 1975, 59 min, 16mm-to-35mm restoration-to DCP)
(Total: 94 min)

5:30 p.m.
- The Thoughts That Once We Had (dir. Thom Andersen, 2015, 105 min, DCP)(Total: 105 min)
8:00 p.m.
Onstage conversation between Thom Andersen and Remier Lion Rocha, moderated by Aaron Cutler

5:00 p.m.
- California Sun (dir. Thom Andersen, 2015, 4 min, DCP)
- Get Out of the Car (dir. Thom Andersen, 2010, 34 min, 16mm-to-DCP)
- Tectonics (dir. Peter Bo Rappmund, 2012, 60 min, DCP)
(Total: 98min)
7:00 p.m.
- Los Angeles Plays Itself (dir. Thom Andersen, 2003, 170 min, DCP)
(Total: 170min)

3:00 p.m.
- Koh (dir. Adam R. Levine, 2010, 2 min, 16mm-to-ProRes)
- Red Hollywood (dir. Thom Andersen and Noël Burch, 1996, 114 min, DCP)
(Total: 116 min)
5:30 p.m.
- The Tony Longo Trilogy (dir. Thom Andersen, 2014, 14 min, DCP)
- Topophilia (dir. Peter Bo Rappmund, 2015, 62 min, DCP)
(Total: 76 min)
7:30 p.m.
- Notfilm (dir. Ross Lipman, 2015, 129 min, DCP)
- Film (dir. Alan Schneider, 1965, 22 min, restored 35mm-to-DCP)
(Total: 151 min)

5:30 p.m.
- — — — — — — (aka The Rock ’n’ Roll Movie) (dir. Thom Andersen and Malcolm Brodwick, 1967, 11 min, 16mm-to-DCP)
- Reconversão (dir. Thom Andersen, 2012, 69 min, DCP)
(Total: 80 min)
7:30 p.m.
- Marseille après la guerre (dir. Billy Woodberry, 2015, 11 min, DCP)
- And When I Die, I Won’t Stay Dead… (dir. Billy Woodberry, 2015, 90 min, DCP)
(Total: 101 min)



L'asino vola
The Critic as Artist

scritti molesti sullo spettacolo e la cultura nel tempo dell'emergenza