13 Things People Who Stutter Want You To Understand. (Explained In Kanye Gif’s)

L-L-Let Me Explain
L-L-Let Me Explain
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2016

1. We don’t do this to be funny.

2. Please stop trying to guess what word we’re trying to say,

3.Unless you know us and by all means PLZ HELP.

4. Our stutter doesn’t mean we aren’t intelligent, and it is definitely not a result of laziness.

5. No. its not something that can just go away.

6. All we need is your patience

7. SERIOUSLY we do.

8. While you may not see us as normal, stuttering does not affect our leadership skills, we’re actually great communicators.

9. Stuttering doesn’t mean we are perpetually anxious either, its actually a very complicated reaction between our brain and our muscles. We can be outgoing.

10. We appreciate your support, but please don’t remind us of historical figures that stuttered too.

11. If you laugh its ok, believe me we get that at least once a day.

12. Just watch yourself, don’t let it happen too much.

13. The occasional joke is fine, but remember you wouldn’t trip a blind man.

What we do and what we say is much more important than how it comes across, and for those that understand! Thank You!

