Natural Selection

L u c i d
Published in
1 min readDec 29, 2015

Let light cascade down the mountain,
and let the darkness rest, sleepily in the cave.
Let the oceans splash frigid drops onto the sun basking rocks,
and let the sky rustle up gentle breezes and silent gales.
Sit down and watch the thunderstorm
without wishing it to stop,
and love the storm for the rain that it brings.
Watch it wonder, leave, or let go;
but do not tell the storm to stop,
unless you’d be happier with a drought.
And do not tell the darkness to go away,
unless you’d feel safer in the sun.
And do not tell the oceans warm up,
unless you wouldn’t mind the whole world drowning.
Do not tell the wind to be silent,
unless you want the hurricane at your door.

Natural Selection first appeared here, on DeviantArt.

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L u c i d

Pens, paper, and a lens. Runner, artist, life long learner. Creator of