Ladies and Gentlemen Here’s a post by Maryam, My 14-Year-Old Daughter

A teenager’s view on life

Charlotte Zobeir Ali
La Bibliothèque


A street in Toulon, France. Own picture

In France things are different, it may be the sun or the way people speak. But when I am in my lessons things feel out of place, I understand the work, however, I don’t agree with some of the rules: The multiple lines in books; having to buy your own school supplies and not wearing uniform are new things to me.

As I trudge along the pavement, concrete cracking under my feet, my bag heavy (full of books for the first time), I walk alone only with my thoughts.

Before the feeling of walking alone would engulf my soul and make me feel lightheaded, but now I am happy to find joy in my own presence.

“You are the only friend you need” this quote would frequently baffle me. “Don’t you want to be popular?” I would think of that way too often, the social construct that can make or break a person.

But with more friends come more problems. It is not okay to be truly alone all of the time, but one must find inner peace and happiness before letting others in.

Here I am at school, looking at nothing but the walls; empty and grey like my heart once was, wishing for more as everyone does.

