Paying Attention to the Doors in your Life will Help you Live in the Present Moment

It is an easy way not to feel overwhelmed and quickly regain control

Charlotte Zobeir Ali
La Bibliothèque


Image by Lucija Ros from Unsplash

How many doors do you think you have opened, closed or pass through in your life? Do you notice how you feel when you are near one?

Doors have always been important to me due to my upbringing. My mother used to perform a “ritual” every morning before my brothers and I left the house.

We had to stand by the front door while she was invoking the spirits, then we had to drink a potion and show gratitude for the day ahead.

I used to roll my eye and found the whole thing a bit “silly”. I, of course never dared voice my opinion, as you don’t want to cross an African mother who is trying to connect with the spirits.

As an adult, the front door remained special to me. Before leaving the house, I just stand near it for a moment and breathe deeply.

During the day, I often pause in front of the various doors I pass through and let things happen in my head. Many images, thoughts and sensations arise while standing next to one. It has become a game to discover which door will make me feel happy, sad, angry or grateful.

