3 Disturbing Facts about the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson

The 28th President of the United States has a problematic legacy

Charlotte Zobeir Ali
La Bibliothèque


Image from Heritage Auctions (HA.com)

Princeton University decided to remove Wilson’s name from the campus building due to his view on race.

Christopher Eisgruber said in a letter to the school community:

“ Wilson’s racist views and policies made him an inappropriate namesake for Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs and the residential college”.

Student activists who fought for years against the celebration of Wilson are delighted but do not forget that it took the rise of the BLM movement for the University to reassess its views.

Woodrow Wilson, led the Democratic Party to victory in 1913 and 1917. During his campaigns he made promises to African Americans and women leaders .

He positioned himself as a compassionate man who would devote his presidency to uplift the vulnerable section of the population.

Once he got elected, hope turned into despair for many citizens who genuinely believed in him.

It is therefore important to list the three distressing facts that made some people…

