Ancient Egypt: Four Lessons We Should Learn From the Soul’s Journey to the Afterlife

Death is a temporary interruption to another world

Charlotte Zobeir Ali
La Bibliothèque


Tomb of Sennedjem. Wall Painting of Osiris. the God of the Underworld | public domain

Ancient Egyptians believed life on earth was only one part of an eternal journey.

To gain entrance to Paradise or as they called it, the Field of Reeds, it was essential to be a good human being.

We can learn a lot from ancient Egyptians, it is thus very interesting and inspiring to discover the soul’s journey to the afterlife.

The soul according to ancient Egyptians

They believed it was split in three parts. The Ka represented the spark of life. The Ba was linked to the heart and the Akh was the religious part of the soul.

The soul’s journey to the afterlife

When a person passed way, the soul faced challenges in its quest to eternal life. The Akh was the one who had to navigate its way through the underworld.

The path was very dangerous, filled with monsters, serpents and dragons. At the end of it, there were the twelve chambers of hell.

The soul had to be able to tell the secret name of various gods to pass each gate. Usually ancient Egyptians who studied the “Book of…

