Ancient Egyptian Love: The Fascinating Poem From the Earth God to the Sky Goddess

Charlotte Zobeir Ali
La Bibliothèque
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2020


Discover the celebration of love between Geb and Nut

illustration from ancient history encyclopedia

The Pyramid texts contains an enchanting Ode to love.

Nut you became a spirit

You waxed mighty in the belly of your mother Tefnut before you were born.

How mighty is your heart!

You stirred in the belly of your mother in the name of Nut.

You are indeed a daughter more powerful than the mother…

The great one who has become the sky!

You have the mastery, you have become the sky!You have filled every place with your beauty.

The whole earth lies beneath you

You have taken possession thereof you enclosed the whole earth and everything therein within your arms…

As Geb, I shall impregnate you in your name of sky.

I shall join the whole earth to you in every place high above the earth!

You are supported upon your father Shu but you have power over him.

He so loved you that he placed himself and all things beside-beneath you

Ancient Egyptians believed that the sky was a star-covered nude woman arched over the…

