The Ten Best Looks of Inauguration Day

Get ready to have a fashionable time now

Charlotte Zobeir Ali
La Bibliothèque


Image by Hadia from

If you are like me and couldn’t wait to discover the outfits at the Inauguration, you will love this article.

Thank God everything went smoothly during the ceremony so I could keep this post light and fun.

The guests were at their fashionable best which made it difficult to select my top 10. After much deliberation, I chose these great looks.



Look at these Kweens

Image from Meena Harris’s Instagram

Amara and Leela Ajagu were really cute in their faux-fur coat.

Meena Harris (Kamala Harris’s niece) wanted to pay tribute to her aunt with these leopard print coats designed by iloveplum.

Hers’s a lovely family picture shared by Meena featuring a young Kamala.

Image from Meena Harris’s twitter


The First Lady looks really good in aquamarine. I love the Swarovski crystals and velvet…

