Dimensions and consciousness

La ecuación de la consciencia
5 min readJun 1, 2015


Today I’m going to talk about dimensions

Over the years I’ve been developing a theory about time dimensions and I’ve written a little bit about it in my blog in Spanish called Infinitas Perspectivas which means infinite perspectives. But it wasn’t until I began to prepare for this post and I made a research about the topic that I realize someone has already exposed this idea with almost the exact same details. His name was John G. Bennett, he was a British mathematician who lived in the early 20th century. And his 3 time dimensions called “time, eternity and hyparxis” were strongly criticized for using subjective arguments to justified his theory. So in order to begin explaining what time dimensions are all about, I have to clarified a concept that it’s not very aware or present in the collective consciousness of humanity and it is that science is subjective.

Dropping a bomb like this might feel very controversial, I know, but if you’re willing to hear my explanation, I assure you it will stop sounding so crazy.

We tend to think of the objective and the subjective in scientific terms as, objective being the perceptions and interactions with the cosmos that are common to all the elements in a group called humanity; and on the other hand we consider subjective the experiences and understandings of each element in that group that may not be common to the remaining element (the elements being individual human beings). However if we could realized that our common perceptions and expressions are not objective at all, considering that humanity is the only species -at least that we are aware of- capable of such an elaborate interaction and understanding of nature, then we as humanity become an element of a much larger group called living beings, and human expressions, such as science, are no longer the representation of cosmic objectivity but rather the subjective interpretation of an specific species. From there it becomes logical to recognize that the way we perceive and explain reality is also condition by our human consciousness. We don’t experience mortality the way animals do, we don´t experience transcendence the way plants do, and that doesn’t make us better or worse, or right or wrong compare to other species, but rather very specific. Our complexity is evident in the way we question thing and the way we express ourselves, and accepting that complexity can also be the door to have a much deeper understanding of time. That’s when we start to really grasp the idea that we don’t see the world as it is, but rather as we are.

So having clarified the subjectivity of science, I´m going to proceed explaining what the 3 time dimensions are and how we perceive them already.

There is a parallelism between space and time that makes the understanding of time dimension very easy. In space we have dimension 0, 1, 2 and 3. Dimension 0 being a point, dimension 1 being a line, dimension 2 being a plane, and dimension 3 being a volume. The same way time has also a dimension 0 represented as a point and we called it present, a dimension 1 that we perceive with our memory and the ability to draw a line between a point in the past and our present; then we have dimension 2, that we perceive with the ability of creating simulations in our mind, this becomes very evident when we have to make a hard decision and we start to think of all the possible outcomes from taking one path or the other, it’s also evident when we wonder how our present would be if we could’ve done something different in the past, and that’s the manifestation of the plane. Finally we have dimension 3 and we perceive this one with our ability to imagine thing that are way beyond what he consider possible or real. For instance, science fiction’s stories that picture a parallel civilization are a good example of the 3rth time dimension, another perfect example it’s the book and show “Game of thrones” because it’s set in a context that it can well be placed in the past however some creatures as dragons never existed in our linear time perception so this story could never had happened.

So now that you have the 3 time dimensions explained, the remaining question is why is this way of understanding time useful? It’s useful because of how it incorporates the concept of consciousness to the equation.

The relationship between time and space in this model is a fractal one, which means that the 3 space dimensions are present in each point of the 3 time dimensional system, ergo, since our consciousness is able to perceive the material representation of reality only in the present (which mean the time dimension 0), our human consciousness can be majorly call a consciousness 3.0 -3 space dimensions and 0 time dimension- however, what happens with people who have a different perception?

Up until now, every time science has seen an irregular phenomenon that challenges our current theories or laws we are forced to reevaluate those theories and laws, and that’s a true practice until we get into the study of human consciousness. Areas like psychology or sociology tend to create a frame that determines what’s normal and everything that can’t be placed inside that frame is consider wrong or sick. So people like schizophrenics, who actually challenge our theories of how human consciousness works, are displaced from the category of “valid phenomena” and placed in a much judged and uncontained reality.

There was a time in the history of science, when we realized that we had the need to have a deeper and more specific understanding of reality and that’s when science division begun, but that division creates a false concept in our mind if we start to believe that biology, physics, chemistry, psychology, etc. work apart, or that our reality is segmented. That’s why I’ve found so important to remark the subjectivity of science. Science is subjective because we are not able to explain reality from a different perspective than that of a human being, and so, every phenomenon that human beings manifest should be taken as another piece of this puzzle that we are trying to get the big picture of, calles the cosmos, instead of disregard that piece just because we don’t know where to place it yet.

Finally I’d like to dedicate this post to John Forbes Nash. Many of you may know him as the mathematician who inspired the movie “A beautiful mind”. He was also schizophrenic and for some people like me -who experience similar phenomena in their lives- his story was a true example of empowerment, hope and also patience towards a humanity that, it’s dealing with the unknown as good as it can.

For all we know, John Nash could’ve had a different kind of consciousness, a 3.3 or a sporadic jumping consciousness for example, and if the idea of the fractality of space in the time system that this theory suggests, is proven to be true, we may be a step closer to explore the wonders beyond the “normal” in humankind and embrace it not only in others but also in ourselves.

