Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc. Urges the U.N. Towards More Action, Less Talk Based on Their Promise of “A Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

Editor @LaFenêtre
La Fenêtre Magazine
5 min readJun 8, 2021

The U.N. has announced their virtual celebration of World Oceans Day on June 8th, with the aim of mobilizing and uniting the world’s population on a project for the sustainable management of the world’s oceans. They have pledged to commit to “A Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.”

Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc., the industry leaders on the forefront of sustainable wave energy systems, urge the U.N. to hold true to that promise with a more meaningful and comprehensive course of action. Though it is encouraging to see the ocean finally get the attention it deserves, current initiatives to save our oceans are simply not working. Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc. demands a bold approach that includes more action, and less talk from the U.N.

Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc., headquartered in Willis, Texas, has made tremendous strides in the deployment of their suite of technologies, which could provide clean, renewable wave energy at a higher scale and lower price point and land usage than all other forms of sustainable energy. They understand that the U.N.’s aim should be not only to research within our oceans, but to actually use them as a resource to sustain our planet and restructure our energy production systems.

This year, Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc.’s state of the art wave energy conversion systems have moved steadily towards a global launching point, with an influx of investment of over $5 million earlier this year. “We have upgraded our facilities and wave testing capabilities to advance a comprehensive demonstration of our offshore technologies, which notably include a hydropower energy grid which would provide power at the scale of a dam, without the environmental impact and risk of dam construction,” stated Inventor and C.E.O. of Global Oceanic Designs, Inc. and SeaDog Systems, Inc. Kenneth W. Welch Jr.

“The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods” is the theme for U.N. World Oceans Day 2021, which was announced along with a declaration of intentions that launches a decade of challenges to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 14, to “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources,” by 2030.

The Decade “promises to strengthen international cooperation to develop the scientific research and innovative technologies that can connect ocean science with the needs of society.”

In response, Mr. Welch Jr. stated, “We have the solutions to the questions and challenges the U.N. are posing. If the U.N. wants to be true to their word, it’s time for them to take action based on the years of research that have already been executed. There is so much more we can do with adequate funding from governing bodies, including fantastic underwater habitats, new systems of sustainable transportation, agriculture, mining, tourism, pumping and energy are all attainable with our innovative technologies.”

Wind and Solar Power at the Scale They Are Being Proposed Are Not Feasible

“The promises being made by the Biden Administration about Wind and Solar energy as the answer to all of our sustainable needs are dangerously misleading,” stated Georg Engelmann, engineer and C.E.O. at Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc.

As a new report details, the scale of Wind and Solar energy being proposed by the Biden Administration is not feasible on a number of levels.

These areas of impossibility include the current limited capacity to build new wind turbines, the waste and land usage that would be required at such a massive scale as to outweigh their positive environmental impact, and the limited sources of essential components such as neodymium magnets and rare-earth metals that would be needed to produce even a fraction of the proposed turbines. These rare-earth materials are controlled in large part by China, which would continue a high dependency on China’s materials and cheap labor conditions, and deprive millions of Americans jobs and security.

The Answer is Hydropower

Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc., and their suite of technologies decades in the making have the answer the U.N. is seeking on how to sustainably use our oceans, and to connect ocean science with the needs of society. The answer is in the deployment of wave energy — truly clean and sustainable, scalable power with zero sum waste. This could massively cut down on waste and the burning of fossil fuels, and would power our cities globally for a fraction of the cost of other energy forms.

As sustainable models are being considered by the Biden administration and U.N. international coalitions, Ocean Energy Conversion (Wave, Tidal & Current Systems), should be at the top of their list.

“Our pledge for World Oceans Day and onward is to ensure that the appropriate industry leaders and government officials are in alignment to go to market with our energy storage and conversion technologies. We are thrilled to move into phase two of our go-to-market plan, and are on course for that milestone later this year,” shared Mr. Engelmann.

Mr. Welch, Jr. adds, “We encourage consumers, policy makers, and corporations to advocate for truly sustainable solutions like hydropower; to look deeper than media headlines about what is actually feasible on a global scale. The future of our extraordinary planet depends on it.”

The Leaders of Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc. Have Some Questions They Want Answered.

The quest to commercialize outer space travel has attracted hundreds of billions of dollars of investment, including well-funded governmental programs leading to Man’s walk on the moon, multiple space station prototypes orbiting this planet, and countless other outer space ventures. Similar phenomenal advancements are possible in our oceans- underwater habitats, submarines, underwater complexes and travel, and extraordinary new innovations are all achievable. The sharpest contrast difference between space exploration, and underwater development and exploration, is the budget afforded to do each. In fact, the annual budget for NASA could have funded the budget for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, it’s equivalent to explore the waters, for over 1,600 years!

Outer Space Exploration Has Been Heavily Funded — Why Hasn’t Even a Fraction of That Funding Gone to Developing and Exploring the Oceans of Our Home Planet?

Hydropower Outperforms both Wind and Solar Energy by All Measures: Why Isn’t the U.N. Prioritizing Its Deployment Worldwide, If It’s True Priority Is Sustainability?

Will the U.N. Consider Working with Independent Corporations to Help Sustain the Ocean and Advance Energy?

How Will the U.N. Utilize Experts in the Field like Diamond Infrastructure Development, Inc. to Actually Deploy Revolutionary, Sustainable Energy Systems, Not Just Talk About Them?

The Research Has Been Done — How Will The U.N. Take Bold Action To Use Oceans As A Resource To Sustain Our Planet and Restructure Our Energy Production Systems?



La Fenêtre Magazine
La Fenêtre Magazine

Published in La Fenêtre Magazine

La Fenêtre- translated into “the window” is a cutting-edge culture magazine, with the aim of bridging perspectives and boldly shining a light on culture, social impact issues, fashion, and lifestyle in the modern world.

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