This made me smile

It’s good to see there’s still trust in the world :)

Johanna H.
1 min readMay 3, 2017


I recently came across this lovely Swiss bookstore. The door was wide open and inside were a lot of great, second handed books. I found some I liked and headed for the cash deck — only to find this sign.

As someone who’s living in a big European city, it made me smile :)

Dear costumers,

You might have found one or more books of your liking while I was away. You can take them.To pay for them, you can enclose the money in an envelop and put it in the mailbox of the bookstore. It’s on your right side when you’re heading for the exit. You can also write down your address, the titles and the price of the book(s).

Thank you for your understanding and see you soon.

The store owner.



Johanna H.

PhD student, trying to understand myself and the world a bit better — post after post after post :)