Marina and The Diamonds — Immortal

La Gran Bruja Elena 🌒


Marina and The Diamonds, Una piedra preciosa, que si la muerdes: te alimentará.

Quisiera tener el toque de la muerte, eclipsar millones de vidas, tan solo por diversión.

Darles el beso, humedecer en un orgasmo de vida.
Reposar su cabeza sobre mi hombro, acariciar su cabellera y confundirla con el pelaje de un tímido lobo.

Ser el abrazo en llamas, el calor que reconforta. Arder juntos, como maderos verdes: humo negro seremos y ya ni cenizas quedarán.

Procurare limpiar la ceniza de mis manos, sin temor a manchar mi atuendo, telares, velas de barco que no he podido dejar atrás.
Lavarme la cara y sentir la sal de un mar que ha llorado mil años.
Secarme el corazón, deshidratar mi alma y que convertida en polvo la devore el mar: cual arena.

Y cuando ya no haya ninguna flor que asesinar, me sentare a recoger los diamantes que el tiempo nos dejo.

No ansió la inmortalidad, tan solo ser humo rojo en tu corazón.

Aquí la canción en su idioma original

I wanna be immortal
like a god in the sky
i wanna be a silk flower
like i’m never gonna die
i wanna live forever
forever in your heart
and we’ll always be together
from the end to the start

That’s what we do it for
to reserve a place
it’s just another part of the human race
that’s what we do it for
to reserve a space
in history it’s just
part of the human race
race, race, race, race

I’m forever chasing after time
but everybody dies, dies
if i could buy forever at a price
i would buy it twice, twice
but if the earth ends in fire
and the seas are frozen in time
there’ll be just one survivor
the memory that i was yours and you were mine
everybody dies
chasing after time

When you love somebody
they’ll always leave too soon
but a memory, a memory
can make a flower bloom
we wanna be remembered
don’t wanna live in vein
but nothing lasts forever
this world is in a losing game

I wanna mean something to somebody else
feel a significance in the real world
it’s not enough to live out a lucky life

I’m forever chasing after time
but everybody dies, dies
if i could buy forever at a price
i would buy it twice, twice
but if the earth ends in fire
and the seas are frozen in time
there’ll be just one survivor
the memory that i was yours and you were mine
everybody dies
chasing after time

No, i dont wanna be afraid, afraid to die
i just wanna be able to say that i have lived my life
oh, all these things that humans do
to leave behind a little proof
but the only thing that doesnt die is love

I’m forever chasing after time
but everybody dies, dies
if i could buy forever at a price
i would buy it twice, twice
but if the earth ends in fire
and the seas are frozen in time
there’ll be just one survivor
the memories of our life time
everybody dies
chasing after time
so keep me alive
so keep me alive
so keep me alive

Marina and The Diamonds (2015)

Más información y contenidos en: cuentalahistoria

