Google Algorithm Update A.K.A Medic Update: August 2018, Rankings Drop?

It has been 3 weeks since the Google’s August core algorithm update fully rolled out. Here’s what we know about the update.

la revanche des sites
la revanche des sites
4 min readAug 29, 2018


I need a medic !

Google said that this update was a broad core algorithm update and these updates are done several times per year. Here’s a twitter preview of from the Google Search Liason Team.

Tweets from Google SearchLiasion

They state that there will be “ no fix ” for the pages that may perform less well

We are analyzing various websites that have been impacted. Though certain pages may regain the ranking back through content which is relevant and of good quality. Further it is also confirmed that the update has been a global rollout and impacts all search results no matter what language or region.

Tweet from Danny Sullivan
Tweet from Danny Sullivan

Lastly, as seen in the tweets above, Google would not tell us the overall impact of this Core Update Rollout. Hence we have our own analysis using various SEO tools such as:

  1. SEMrush
  2. Sistrix

Who was impacted by this update?

The update resulted in various loss and gain of Google SERP rankings for many websites across the world.

Following are some of the well-known website which saw drastic loss of website traffic:

1. Organic Traffic Organic traffic of 3,495,181 drops down by 25% to 2,609,196, which is a significant drop according to the data provided by SEMrush.

2. Organic Traffic

Though the graph does not show a significant drop but numerically, Jun 18 marks as the highest peak of website traffic according to SEMrush data reporting with 515,659 falling down to 444,468 (13% drop).

Many other websites also gained a organic traffic boost, following are some of the well known one’s:

1. Organic Traffic

A organic traffic bump of 5% has been recorded by SEMrush.

2. Organic Traffic

15% growth in organic traffic recorded by SEMrush.

If you are affected by the this nicknamed “Medic Update”, here few steps that you can take to analyze and recover your organic rankings

The “Medic Update”

1. Analyze

It is recommended to use a SEO Keyword Rank Tracking tool to help you to be aware of our rankings on various search engines. Hence, your first step will be to analyze keywords that have lost rankings in the particular month. Note down all the keywords once identified.

Next, which pages the keywords are targeted and analyze the content for its quality, keyword density and internal linking.

2. Create Fresh Content

Create fresh content for those pages with strategic internal linking and keyword density. A fresh content indicates google for a website crawl which can help change the loss of ranking and apparently website traffic.

3. Build Good Quality Backlinks

Though backlinks are underrated nowadays, but they still carry a huge importance in the SEO world. Building good quality backlinks through proper outreach strategy will help gain links which are more relevant to your keyword niche and of higher authority.

If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to comment below.

Thank you 😃 Cheers!



la revanche des sites
la revanche des sites

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