Blog post #2:

Marlyn Sullivan
La Revolucion Mexicana
2 min readJul 16, 2023


What were the key reasons for the Constitutionalist victory over the Conventionists?

In the Mexican Revolution, there were many key reasons that were fought to gain power. The main role in the revolution was the Constitutionalists and the Conventionists. The Constitutionalists consisted of liberal intellectuals and middle-class citizens in other words it was made of people who did not have indigenous backgrounds but the benefit of Diaz which was led by Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata. The Conventionists were another strong group that grew up opposed to the Constitutionalists. During this time there was a lot of distrust, corruption, and death going on. Many of the Mexican citizens feared for their rights and what would happen to their lands. In the end, the constitutionalist won over and was able to create a better life for Mexico.

Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata

In what ways did factionalism still plague the Constitutionalist coalition during and after the negotiations that resulted in the Constitution of 1917?

Factionalism still plagues the constitutionalist after the negotiations because there were areas that were still under someone else’s control. He created a new political class for the Constitution of 1917 to avoid people from becoming corrupt. It defines citizenship, organizes government, mandates land reform, and basic human rights for Mexicans.

Álvaro Obregón

How was Alvaro Obregón able to successfully consolidate power in the early 1920s? What were the main issues he had to overcome?

Obregón was able to successfully consolidate his power in the early 1920s by reshaping Mexico. He was able to issue policies and labor regulations in areas he had conquered. He was able to eliminate any remaining rebellions and create peace with the workers. He even ordered Pancho Villa’s assassination and was able to create alliances.

Would you argue that the Revolution had come to a close with his administration? Why or why not?

I believe Obregon’s presidency brought an end to the revolution and he was able to create stability in Mexico. He was able to bring peace and stability to the country’s workers. He gained favor in the Mexican people’s eyes.

