Blog Post 3: Would you argue that the Mexican Revolution “has legs” (i.e., still has meaning and power in Mexican politics, culture, and social relations)? Why or Why Not?

Marlyn Sullivan
La Revolucion Mexicana
2 min readJul 23, 2023


From what I have learned about the Mexican Revolution, I would have to agree with it “having legs.” Mexico has many ongoing issues that could have been due to the corruption that happened in the Mexican Revolution. The Mexican government cannot fix previous mistakes made because of lost political and creditability. A mayor takes part in the kidnapping and murder of 43 students with the help of drug traffickers. This shows people have little faith in the system and that the government has little to no interest in protecting the people’s interests. This just shows how corrupt the government is and to this day it is still going on not much has changed in that aspect.

President Andres Manuel López Obrador also know as AMLO

President AMLO is a prime example of the corruption still going on. He is going on breaking political norms and laws. He is cutting corners in places he probably should not be cutting corners. “He has used his power in the legislature to cut the budgets of many technically autonomous agencies, making it harder for them to do their jobs as regulators and watchdogs. He emptied the coffers of more than 100 state-controlled trust funds, or fideicomisos, set up by past governments to safeguard dedicated public support for artists, academics, scientists, journalists, and human rights defenders.” (Mexico’s democracy is crumbling under AMLO)

The Mexican people have a strong connection to their heritage with Mexico’s revolution. They would like to see the kind of strong government leadership that they saw within those few years of the Revolution. Someone that cares about its people. We can see it in their art and monuments of the revolution are still being honored to this day.

Council on Foreign Relations. (n.d.). Mexico’s democracy is crumbling under AMLO. Council on Foreign Relations.

Krauze, E. (2014a, December 10). What Mexico’s president must do. The New York Times.

