Revolution Today

La Revolucion Mexicana
2 min readJul 23, 2023

The Mexican Revolution was a chaotic time that encapsulated two decades of Mexican History. Its events and outcomes have had long lasting impacts on Mexican society even in to today. Mexico is subject to infighting, corruption and lack of centralized poer, all of which can be traced back to the Mexican Revolution era. With the fall of Diaz to the rise and fall of Villa, Zapata, Obregon, and Cardenas there has always been a power vacuum that plagued Mexico.

The Mexican Revolution was fought to provide better agrarian rights, better land reforms, better workplace conditions, better treatment of the low class, and better government institutions. When Obregon finally took power in the 1920 he was a great choice because of his ability to centralize his power. He was however assassinated which arguably caused a rift in Mexican society that is still not repaired today. This was a repeating event in the Mexican Revolution as men like Villa and Zapata. I argue that this caused a lot of mistrust between the people of mexico and the government institutions. This is also probably the most major source of contention throughout Mexican History. The government was ran almost exclusively by a single political party, although not a dictatorship, that held power since 1929. The Partido Nacional Revolucionario was that party and influenced Mexican events whether directly in office or not. This biding for power can be traced back to the separatism that plagued the Mexican Revolution in its height. While Mexico is a reformed and modern country now, it still struggles with problems from the past. One thing that comes to concern though for the future of Mexico is that they are starting to return to the past, workers are oppressed and the rich own a lot and the poor few. I think that this could account for the arise in Cartels around Mexico.

These Cartels are far fledged off shoots of the original groups and are typically fighting for the power using the poor and vulnerable. If the Mexican Revolution had not occurred in the way it did Mexico might have well been different today, but its violence, chaos, and the fear caused still has “legs” in modern Mexican society.

