
Qi'ang Meng
Lab Musings Summer 2018
1 min readJul 30, 2018

Where do you come from?

Nebulae, just like you. Green, blue or claret.

Can I see your passport, please?

Sure, here it is.

Do you have any family members in this galaxy?

Yes, my uncle works here as a red dwarf. He lives in the suburbs near the central bulge.

Are you carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10,000?

No Sir. Just me and my churning heart.

Anything to declare? Alcohol? Plants, soil, or insects?

Not at all. I’m too young to hold organic compounds like alcohol, not to mention lives.

How long do you plan to stay here?

Ten billion years[1] or so.

And may I ask what you are gonna do during this period?


[1] This is the longevity of a sun-like star.



Qi'ang Meng
Lab Musings Summer 2018

is an undergraduate student at the University of Pittsburgh. His poems have appeared in Forbes & Fifth, and Scribendi.