Lab Report #8 — Crazy twitter crazy

Ideas that could have been featured on but were missing #appidea :(

Mad Steve
Lab Reports
3 min readSep 8, 2015


Son, don’t ever, ever forget your hashtag — Mad Steve


I’m open to conversation y’all

Human interaction is so beautiful in the 21st century.

We now assume people don’t want to speak (they usually don’t but that’s beside the point).

Does this person have a pin? Does my app tell me they wanna chat?

Instantaneous spontaneous conversation. At the click of a button.

What I like most here is that there is the whole “use an app to do this” but before that, there is a very low-tech way of achieving the same result, which in my opinion is quite impressive.

Of course the real issue isn’t about a pin or an app, it’s about getting people to adopt this movement that is quite radical.

Let’s talk to each other instead of sending push notifications to the other side of town/the world

Who would ever do that? It’s so much more interesting to sift through a drab feed of people’s latest conquests, adventures, selfies, the list goes on (at your discretion).

Beautiful idea.

TwitterFights @shashi_sah

Now dramatically opposed to the previous idea, let’s feed on people’s aggro on social media.

Twitter is notorious for having a lot of opinionated people who think they know best. The really interesting part of twitter isn’t event that, it’s that they are not afraid to voice their opinions.

The best metric to judge whether a conversation is a fight or not is the reply-frequency, from there you would probably need to manually or otherwise filter down to the best fights (or just the actual fights).

This would be a good spectator sport, with members of the community just providing endless fun without even noticing.


An interesting one this one. In terms of infrastructure, easy, but how do you rate the teams against each other?

This is a big debate in the Development community in general. What is good code? How do you measure developer productivity?

Number of lines of code has been tried and failed, number of tickets closed has been discussed by Eric Elliot here:

Ticket based performance evaluation is the worst idea in the history of software development.

Solving that problem would save a lot of people a lot of money and make you very rich indeed. But we don’t want to do that just yet.

How you could I guess milestones and hitting targets defined by the team itself, that could actually be decent. Then we gamify it a little bit and make it a friendly competition type of thing, which would be pretty cool since it would increase developer happiness somehow (maybe).


Highly feasible on top of everything, make people instantly humorous.

I can see this becoming like AirBnB or Uber where their method of operation gets copied all over the world, after InstantHumour, you get InstantBrains, InstantFit, InstantBlonde, InstantNotBlonde… Awesomeness, in a box!

;) good one sir

For anyone still reading, check out and @mad__idea for more of this, feel free to reply and tell me how useless I am, it always makes me so happy that I positively impacted someone’s day.

See you all later,

Mad Steve :)

