Lab Report #2 — Top Ideas for this week

Mad Steve
Lab Reports
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2015

Featured this week are 5 ideas that I, Mad Steve, quite enjoyed.

In no particular order:

Anthem — by @minimalmally

Theme songs to your life events

This would just be cool wouldn’t it?

Walk down the street looking for trouble — SONG.

Run back up the stairs to check up on my Lab Rats — SONG.


SnapBuy — by @ibaard

Make an offer that expires in 2 minutes

Alright, so who doesn’t love offers? Who doesn’t love being rewarded for being an app addict? Put the two together and you get yourself SnapBuy.

It’s a win for the user (discounts) and a win for the seller (discount-crazed customers roaming around your shop).

StreetMeat Finder — by @bettyscoop

No more walking halfway across town for your streetmeat fix

This is for the North American in all of us. I’m personally very much a european Mad Researcher but… Street Meat can be harder to find than it should be. Why can’t you just whip up your app and find out there’s an awesome hot-dog/kebab/sausage place just meters away, probably in the opposite direction you were about to head to? Right? Great idea.

AnyDo — by @kichus

Get likes, favs or retweets for finishing task in your to-do list

This one is a gem, amazing showcase of how vain people are.

No motivation to finish your to-do’s? Push yourself by knowing I’ve set up a bot that will retweet you when you’ve finished your task thereby granting you the validation you so require from random strangers on the web.

To be fair, this would work, as many other crazy ideas I have collated would, just need to find a person crazy enough to make it and sell it.

In-store rewarder — by @stevesun21

Reward your customers as they complete tasks in your store

Another great plan to take over the world, increase engagement and so on. People love rewards, retailers love addicted customers and retention and bla bla bla.

So this is it, for more, follow me on here, Mad Steve on Twitter or go to Make sure to catch my article about app trends that’s coming out later.

