5 Best Instagram Accounts to Follow for Exercise Motivation

Kyrie Merline
Lab Work
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2016
Photo taken off of Flickr used by Virginia State Parks

We all have those days where we think of going to the gym, but then we decide against it. We contemplate whether we should have pizza or a salad. We spend 4 hours scrolling through Instgram to then realize it is now 9:30p.m., and we are exhausted.

For this very reason, I have personally filled my newsfeed with tons of fitness and exercise accounts. I would now like to share with you all the top 5 Instagram accounts to follow for that little extra push to get you up and doing something. So put those gym shoes, yoga mat, or tennis racket near by because these five Instagram accounts will push you out the door. Don’t forget a water bottle!

-Katy Hearn @KatyHearnFit

Photo taken off of @KatyHearnFit Instagram account

This woman has become an Instagram sensation. She has turned her weight loss into a million dollar business. From exercise videos, to photos of her meals, to vacationing and sponsoring swimsuits, this lady does it all. Now, don’t be mistaken, she was never overweight or even close. Hearn likes to call her past self “skinny fat”. She simply just wasn't exercising or eating well, and didn't have a desire to do so. She has now transformed her simple Instagram page into a business of meal plans, seasonal challenges, and overall motivation for people like us.

If you’re ever scrolling through Instagram, but secretly have a small desire to go to the gym, take a look at her page. There you will find pictures of her dogs, exercises you can do at the gym, and even some ideas for meals. Soon she will become your #goals, and I guarantee you will be out the door with your running shoes before you can even click “like”.

-Misty Copeland @misty_.copeland

Photo taken off of @misty_.copeland Instagram account

When people talk about someone that started from the bottom and rose to fame against all odds, it is often in reference to Misty Copeland. If anyone knows Copeland’s story then they know it is an amazing one. She was the first African American ballerina to be promoted to Principal Dancer, and was constantly faced with obstacles due to her appearance. Copeland has also become one of Under Armour’s biggest ambassadors.

Now I don’t know about you, but she is one amazing women. Strong, driven, and overall inspiring. If you are looking for motivation, then look no further because you will find it on her Instagram page. Who knew that some of these muscles even existed on your body? Apparently mine like to play hide and seek.

- Seonia

Photo taken off of @Seonia Instagram account

Known to the Instagram account users as Seonia, this girl is slowly becoming one of the most popular yogis to follow. She is sponsored by several yoga and athletic brands, but also has her own business of creating yoga challenges that she shares with her viewers. Seonia continually encourages safe practices, eating clean, and finding peace of mind and body.

Scrolling through her Instagram it was hard to choose just one instance in which she was showing the users her amazing skills. This woman is more flexible than a snake. If you’re trying to do something that combines strength of mind and body then look no further. Grab a yoga mat, set up outside, and breathe. Namaste.

-Nike Women

Photo taken off of @NikeWomen Instagram account

Now I know this is not an individual person, but the Nike Women Instagram account will continue to inspire and motivate you for workouts. Whether it is yoga, weights, or any other sport this Instagram account has it all. The account also features familiar faces like Serena Williams and Allyson Felix who both are sponsored by Nike.

Nike Women continues to promote different workout ideas, products, and people on a daily basis. With the continous feed of inspiration, it is hard to resist the urge to exercise. Strap on those shoes, pull out the yoga mat, or grab the kettle bells, and like Nike says, “Just Do It”.


Photo taken off of @KyrieMerline Instagram account

Well that picture is of me, but you get the idea. Everyone on this earth is envious of someone else. Whether that is due to money, status, or health it is all the same. I am not a motivational speaker, but I always say that “You should be your biggest motivation”. If you are happy being 400 pounds then be that, but if you prefer to stay fit then do that. As long as you are happy with the way you are, then that is all that matters. Yes, all of those women above are absolutely incredible, but so are you. If you truly want to exercise and be better, then do it. Be your own motivation, and then look at these accounts for encouragement.

P.S.- Still enjoy that pizza. I know I will.

