5 Reasons To Get A Pilot’s License

Noah Fogelberg
4 min readFeb 17, 2020


Maybe you’ve always thought it would be fun to become a pilot, but never really thought it was feasible. Well here’s the truth: ANYONE can fly a plane. With enough dedication and hard work, YOU too can fly a plane.

  1. FREEDOM!!
Photo by Chris Leipelt on Unsplash

There is no more free feeling in the world than being high above everything happening on the ground and realizing that you are in control. You can choose to do go in any which way (within the limitations of physics that is). Nothing quite gives you a new perspective on life than looking at a bustling city on the ground and feeling at peace and alone in the sky.

If this sounds like a good time to you, the Federal Aviation Administration lays out exactly what it takes to become a pilot here:

2. Vacationing in a small plane is like a road trip, only better

Buzzing the Gulf of Mexico at 100 feet — Photo by Noah Fogelberg

Road trips can be fun, but a trek from (for example) Denver to Chicago involves a whole day of driving through vast nothingness.

Airlines are convenient and fast, but honestly, the experience has gone way downhill. Plus you don’t get to stop and see the unexpected sights along the way.

BUT, flying a small plane lets you get the best of both worlds! You can get across the country in just over a day, AND you can stop wherever you want along the way!

This YouTube video from Matt Guthmiller perfectly demonstrates the advernterous spirit of aviation.

3. It can lead to an exciting career

Many people get their pilot’s license for recreational purposes, only to realize that getting PAID to fly is an option… and a lucrative one at that.

The typical United Airlines First Officer (new hire) will make just shy of $100k per year, meanwhile his or her more experienced counterpart can expect to haul in more than $292k per year.

The path to securing a job as a pilot certainly has its challenges, but views like these make it all worth it…

Mt. Rainier — Photo by Noah Fogelberg

4. You can show off by taking your friends on scenic flights over the city at night

Midnight over Denver — Photo by Noah Fogelberg

One of the only things better than experiencing the feeling of flight for yourself, is sharing that feeling with others. Watching the faces of others light up in awe at the lights of a city below is worth every penny in rental fees.

Of course, night flying does come with its own set of challenges. It’s important to understand the unique risks that come along with flying at night and the skills necessary to mitigate these risks.

5. You can become one of the very few people in America legally trained and allowed to fly an airplane

Photo by William Topa on Unsplash

According to the most recent FAA data from 2018, there are roughly 633,000 licensed pilots in the United States. Compare that to the total population of the United States of over 327 million people, and you’ll find that only 0.2% of Americans know how to fly a plane.

Earning your wings is hard work! But it just might be the most worthwhile endeavor upon which you’ll embark. With a private pilot’s license, you can truly experience the freedom that comes along with being in the elite group of less than 1% of Americans that can call themselves “pilots”.



Noah Fogelberg

Journalism student, pilot, traveler, writer