5 Ways to Promote Your Passion

Abby Huether
Lab Work
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2020

So, as a college student, you might be in your degree wondering how you can get ahead at finding a job one day. One tip that might help is to start using social media professionally. It turns out that 92% of companies are using social media for hiring.

Since that’s the case, we should be taking advantage of social media Now, there are a lot of things that you can post that could negatively affect jobs (see this list), but there are lots of things that you can do to help make you more desirable.

Some skills that employers look for are professionalism, appropriate content, etc. If you don’t know what you should post on social media, though, none of those qualities matter. So, if you’re feeling stuck, here’s a list of how you can promote your specific passions to set yourself apart to employers later on.

  1. Journalist/Writer
Image 1 Photo by <a href=”/photographer/bergonzzi-42656">André Bergonzzi</a> from <a href=”https://freeimages.com/">FreeImages</a>

Now, I know journalism and writing can be two very different fields, but the ideas behind them are very similar. You want to get your writing out to the world. One sure way to do this is to link all your work. In your profile, put a link to your blog, website, or article. That way, people can easily click on it and view your work, making engagement that much easier. Post stories on social media, maybe showing a snippet of a speaking engagement you had or a writing conference. Another way that social media can come in handy, especially as a journalist, is for reaching other journalists, sources, and staying up to date on the latest news. For more info, check out this website.

Examples: Instagram: @noor;@verapapisova

2. Music

Image 2 “True notes” by angelocesare is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Music on social media can seem daunting to promote. The best thing to do is create a tight-knit relationship with your fans. Unlike writers, a musician will most likely only be putting out new work a couple times a year, so getting fans to follow you is crucial. One thing that will keep them interested is letting your audience know that you’re working on a project. Maybe tease a little snippet of a song every now and then, hype up a new song that’s coming out, and just promote your music. If you do interviews, post them on your account to give fans a look at who you are. Promote upcoming tour dates and give fans a chance to preorder tickets. When you’re in the studio, maybe show them some of your writing process.

Examples: @halsey

3. Business owner

Image 3 “Business Card mockup v1” by Florent Simon is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Social media is a great way that you can promote your business to a wide variety of people. Now, whether business is clothing or home goods or food, Instagram is your best friend. Post pictures of the product both modeled and in use. Make prices and links to where you can get the product readily available for customers. Post reviews, pictures, everything! People love to see products in action. That way, they know they’re getting the best deal. Use that to your advantage!

Examples: @stella_clothing

4. Chef/Baker

Image 4 “DC Cupcake 2011” by yidaL is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Food-related things on social media have become very popular. People love seeing what chefs and bakers are coming up with, not only because it’s interesting but because it inspires them. Inspire them! Have a fun cake that you’re making coming up? Show your following behind the scenes of you making it! Show them baking techniques, tips, and tricks that you’ve learned over the years. Posting recipes and having them tag you if they try it is also a great way to get more engagement.

Examples: @magnoliabakery;@voodoodoughnut

5. Fitness

Image 5 “CAP Barbell Coated Hex Dumbbell Weights” by slaythegrvtuo is licensed under CC0 1.0

Fitness and social media have become a huge surge over the past couple of years. People are clamoring to people for workouts, recipes, and healthy lifestyle tips. If you’re going to school for fitness, use social media! Post workout videos, give your followers plans to follow, post progress pictures, recipes, etc.! There’s a huge market for someone in the fitness community.

Examples: @whitneyysimmons;@katyhearn

So, if you’re looking for ways to take your passion to a new level to help your job later on, try some of these out! Remember, social media is there as a tool to help you. Use it!

