8 Ways Technology Has Changed Relationships For The Better

Shannon Garcia
5 min readJun 15, 2015


8. Skype

Skype was created in 2003, and since then people are able to have face-to-face conversations, even when they are miles apart. This means of technology has changed the way people communicate forever, and for the better. Skype makes it possible for college kids to see their parents when they are home sick, and for a traveling parent to see the smiles of their baby’s faces. This program free to use on a computer, and all you need is Internet connection. Just upload the program, sign up, and hang out with friends across the world as if they were in the same room!

7. Online Dating

Ever since the Internet, online dating websites have made it possible to meet potential significant others that would have never been considered before. The factor of distance is no longer an issue when it comes to meeting people now, all there is to it is logging in and getting out there in the Internet realm. Now people who share the same interests can come to a particular website and mingle, and maybe even form relationships. This technology has changed the way people date forever.

6. Texting

With texting, the response time to a written message has been cut down significantly. Instead of emailing, or even mailing a written message to another person, texting enables parties to communicate with incredible speed. No matter what you are doing, you can be having a conversation with someone, and words do not even have to be spoken. This has changed relationships for the better, because staying in contact with someone else is much easier and accessible. As long as you have your mobile phone with you, knowing what others are doing is as simple as a “what’s up?” text.

5. Social Media

With all of the different types of social media there is today, maintaining relationships has become more possible. The main facets of social media, is connecting with people from anywhere, and building relationships. The world of social media has made it possible to connect with more people, and see what they are up to with their lives easy. Browsing through a person’s content online will enable you to gain information about whomever without even having a conversation.

4. Mobilizes LGBT Community

Life before the Internet, especially within the LGBT community, was widely effected by geography. Unless a member of this community happened to live in a largely populated gay area, being a part of these communities usually meant sneaking around to secretive bars and similar social settings. For this community to move outside the realm of secrecy, and into a more public and open medium, awareness and knowledge of this community can be spread. The more people are exposed to this way of living, then the better chances of them accepting and understanding others that differ from them. The internet and other technological advancements has made it possible for the LGBT community to become mobile, and fight for their right to express their love equally.

3. Long Distance Relationships

Technology has allowed for relationships to survive even when people live a long distance away from each other. With all the ways people can communicate with each other with the help of technology, loved ones can travel if they need to, and still maintain connected with people. Sometimes loved ones have to move away from each other, maybe for school, work, or whatever the case may be, but now a days it is not so difficult to stay in contact. Wherever you may be in the world, hearing the voice of a loved one can just be a phone call away.

2. Instantaneous Responses

Time has been placed in fast-forward with the increasing technological advancements. It is no longer a factor for people in relationships to have to wait a long time to talk to others when they are not right next to them in person. If you have a question to ask, it is as easy as shooting a text or making a phone call to have that question answered, Technology has cut that response time of receiving a message and responding to it dramatically. Communication with long distance can now be as close to instantaneously as possible.

  1. FaceTime

Similar to Skype, IPhones have made it possible to be mobile and have face-to-face conversations at the same time. Having to be sat down at a computer to chat with someone and see their face is no longer a factor. With Facetime, you can see the person on the other end of the phone call straight from your phone screen. Facetime has combined the technology of skype and a phone call all into one. This type of technology is the most personable and efficient way to maintain a relationship that may not live close to you.

