My Phone Over Your Face: Millennials Make Too Much Eye Contact with Technology Over People

Liz Prasse
Lab Work
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2016

Social media transforms the dating world. In fact, it complicates it beyond reason. He’s Just Not That Into You hits the nail on the head when Mary says,

“I miss the days when you had one phone number and one answering machine and that one answering machine has one cassette tape and that one cassette tape either had a message from a guy or it didn’t. And now you just have to go around checking all these different portals just to get rejected by seven different technologies. It’s exhausting.”

It is exhausting always checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Vine, and Tumblr notifications! It’s no wonder why Millennials contain higher amounts of anxiety than previous generations. As technology replaces face-to-face interaction, social media will continue to change the way people relate, date, and associate with one another. More and more Millennials find themselves spending time with their phones than with the people around them.

Here’s a preview of what happens in today’s Social Media Era:

  1. Boy and girl meet away from their phones.

2. Using their phones, boy and girl decide to “hang out.”

3. Girl is excited to see boy.

4. While “hanging out,” boy scrolls through his Instagram feed instead of talking to girl.

5. Still on his phone, boy makes girl upset by checking his Facebook notifications.

6. Said girl has had enough of said boy and his committed relationship with his phone and social media.

7. She looks around…

8. Girl finds new boy NOT on his phone or on social media. And new boy has a dog!

9. Girl shifts interest to Dog Boy.

10. She soon learns that Dog Boy is also in a committed relationship with social media, but this time it’s Snapchat.

11. Girl can’t catch a break from boys, their phones, and social media.

12. Girl gives up all of the above and reaches for more food.

13. M&Ms save the day!

14. Thank goodness because otherwise she’d be a hangry (hungry and angry) girl trying to live in a social-media-dominated world.

The End


Photo credits: Elizabeth Prasse



Liz Prasse
Lab Work
Writer for

Joshua 1:9. The All American Girl (TAAG) who lives for her faith, family, and friends.