Kaitlin Keyes
4 min readJun 22, 2015

Online Travel Sites Vs Travel Agents: The Pros and Cons

Over the last decade, the ways in which travel plans are contructed has undergone a lot of development. Consumers have taken advantage of the advancements being made in technology in order to better cater to their needs. As consumers trend more towards the digital world of online travel, we are prompted to ask ourselves, “What are the pros and cons of using this system?”, and “Am I really benefitting from utilizing the Internet to arrange my travel plans?”

Several factors must be taken into account in order to better understand the value, or flaws that may or may not come along with using online travel sites. In the end, will the pros outweigh the cons, or vice versa?

Travel agents have been around for a long time, and have proven to be a tried and true method of booking travel plans. After all, they are the original travel planners and existed well before online travel sites. However, travel agents come with their own set of pros and cons.

Con: Cost

Traveling is not cheap, and on top of all the costs for tickets, hotels, and all the taxes that get slapped on, travel agents also come with an extra fee. You may pay X amount of dollars for a ticket, but expect to add another X amount of dollars onto that for the travel agent.

Con: Convenience

Using a travel agent requires patience. There is a process involved with booking trips through travel agents, and this process is not always a speedy one. It requires effort on the consumer’s part to first find an agent and set up an appointment time that works for both agent and consumer. Then, the consumer must allow time for the agent to search and create an intinerary, and then wait for that agent to call back with information.

Pro: Customer Service

Travel agents will provide a higher standard of customer service than a machine. Computers are unable to provide the friendly smile or the reassurane that comes from personally speaking with an agent. Agents will go the extra mile to suit the needs of their clients.

Pro: VIP Treatment

Travel agents have the ability to request exactly what a consumer has asked for. They are able to communicate with hotel or airline staff in order to get the most up to date availability, which works in the consumer’s favor to ensure their money is being well spent.

Despite online travel sites having an air of “newness” about them, they have actually been around since the mid 1990s. This resource has quickly burgeoned into a top-rated avenue for travelers. As with travel agents, there are also pros and cons related to the usage of online travel sites.

Con: Pricing

Online travel sites advertise their low prices anywhere and everywhere on the web. They promise the best deals, yet when consumers book these trips, there are some surprises when that “best deal” has disappeared and the next “best deal” is actually a couple hundred dollars more expensive. And ironically, that is the same price every other online travel site is offering.

Con: Uncertainty

Booking trips online means taking risks. Hotels will boast the best prices on rooms with spectacular views, but in reality that spectacular view might only include a glimpse of the far off ocean, with a looming skyscraper nearby. Pictures included on some travel sites may also be glorified and portray an inaccurate depiction of the actual room that is being booked out.

Pro: Convenience

One of the best and most popular reasons for booking online is the convenience factor. Consumers can really take hold of the reins with their travel plans and plan their trips with the click of a button from the comfort of their bed. There is no waiting game when it comes to the online travel world.

Pro: Network

Not only have online travel sites allowed for easy booking, but they have joined forces with those websites, like TripAdvisor, that focus on consumer feedback and reports. Consumers can peruse these websites to get an idea of what to expect from millions of reviewers versus the knowledge and expertise of just one travel agent.

Regardless of the direction a consumer takes when it comes to making arrangements for a trip, there are bound to be ups and downs. However, online travel sites do seem to have the upperhand these days as technology progresses. It is only a matter of time until there will be a new wave of travel resourcdes that incorporates travel agents into the world of online travel, so consumers will get the best of both worlds. How will you book your next trip? It’s your call.

For those planning an upcoming trip, or for general interest, a travel site review website lists Orbitz as the leading consumer preferred site for booking trips. Cheaptickets and Travelocity follow closely, with Kayak ranking last on the list.