Seven Facebook Groups for Moms Not in the PTA

Jennifer Moore
Lab Work
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2018

Mom-ing is hard. Some moms have found that doing it with people you can actually relate to makes it a little easier. And maybe finding those people on the interweb would be simple if it wasn’t as jam-packed with information as a two-year-old’s mouth with goldfish crackers. Not to mention, the millions of other things moms are doing, like the countless meals to be served (and tossed out in protest for something less ‘yucky’), that hostile pile of never-ending laundry and the fact that they haven’t slept in five years. So, we’ve weeded through the masses of Facebook groups to find some hilariously specific internet mom-tribes.

  1. Runs With Scissors: Moms Who Wing It

Moms who support and help each other because these tiny humans don’t come with instruction manuals.

2. Homeschool Moms Who Drink Wine

Who needs a drink more than moms without the sweet release of the school year?

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3. Classy Sarcastic Mamas

For those who serve their burns with a side of class.

4. Damit (Decatur Area Moms In Teentime)

Because the gig doesn’t get any easier through this phase.

5. Resting Bitch Face Moms Club

They don’t actually hate all the things.

6. Moms Who Care and Swear

They understand the importance of balance.

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7. Moms Against Humanity

Because they’ve done their part.

