The Three DOTA 2 TI6 Finalists and the Results of TI6

Leif Strickengloss
Lab Work
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2016

After fighting through the qualifiers, the group stage and finally, the upper and lower brackets, three teams emerged as the best around the world. But who would win the over $9 million dollar prize pool and the title of world champ? Wings Gaming emerged as the favorites after dismantling their opponents in the upper bracket and guaranteeing themselves a spot in the Grand Finals. Meanwhile, Evil Geniuses and Digital Chaos would find themselves fighting for the other lower bracket spot to face Wings Gaming in the finals.

Wings Gaming would be representing China while Evil Geniuses and Digital Chaos would both be representing North America at TI6. The first matches of the day would be between the two lower bracket teams to decide who would move on to the finals.
MiSeRy, team captain of Digital Chaos, gets interviewed after defeating their North American rivals, Evil Geniuses, to move on to the Grand Finals and face off against Wings.
Full of excitement and nerves, some of the Wings players are standing around trying to have some fun before their game against Digital Chaos begins.
After a quick first two matches, Digital Chaos comes back to tie up the series. This years international would not be a blowout.
Even after their savvy comeback through, Digital Chaos finally succumb to Wings superior play and strategy.
The crowd goes wild as the winners walk out onto the stage to accept the Aegis.
Wings Gaming are your International 6 champions!!!

All pictures provided by the Valve TI6 press release packet

