Think social media is bad news? Here are 5 ways it can be used for good.

Reena Patel
Lab Work
Published in
6 min readSep 20, 2021

We all know that social media can negatively affect our well-being, specifically our mental health. I won’t spend my time trying to deny this. But I think fears surrounding social media, though completely valid, overshadow its many potential benefits.

Social media is a powerful tool that has potential beyond self-aggrandizement. We just have to pay attention to that potential and be smart with how we use it. So whether you are looking to use social media more beneficially, or you just aren’t convinced it has much value, here are five ways that social media can actually be used for good.

1. Staying in touch with family and friends

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Let’s start with the most obvious benefit of social media: maintaining relationships. It’s very difficult to keep close with people when you live independently of them. Life — with all of its responsibilities, problems and unpredictability — inevitably gets in the way. It takes a lot of effort to maintain a connection with those who aren’t part of these daily processes.

Social media eases some of this pressure. With social media, you can keep up with the people in your life without worrying about scheduling conflicts or location barriers. And you get to do this on your own time, whether it’s during your commute, at breaktime or after dinner. Social media transcends space and time to make interpersonal relationships a little easier.

Of course, liking someone’s picture on Instagram is much different than having a face-to-face conversation with them. I’m not saying social media is all you need for close, deep relationships. But it is an opportunity to retain relationships you wouldn’t have otherwise. Think about the friends that faded into acquaintances, or those old coworkers you were never close to but enjoyed chatting with. You probably wouldn’t grab dinner with them, but at least social media gives you the opportunity to occasionally see how they’re doing and reach out if ever desired.

2. Connecting with individuals who share similar interests and experiences

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

One of my favorite things about social media is that it gives you the opportunity to find other people like you — people who share your identities, interests, experiences, etc. There is a world out there of people who could make you feel less alone. The only problem is you don’t have physical access to them. Social media makes that a nonissue.

Online communities are everywhere, and there is one for every person. Do you enjoy reading? There are dozens of book clubs and communities that operate fully online. What about skateboarding? There are forums for that, too. Are you struggling with anything at all? Online support groups exist for all kinds of situations.

What’s so amazing about online communities is that they open doors to worlds and people that would otherwise be inaccessible to us. E.B. Johnson summarized this perfectly:

“Friendships that exist in our physical realm are traditionally those that are based on shared experiences, and shared environments, rather than specific or niche interests, loves, hopes or troubles. Online relationships are different, however, and allow us to bond over precise interests, or specific experiences (like death, grieving and illness) that our ‘real-world’ family and friends may not be able to understand fully.”

— E.B. Johnson, “The benefits of virtual relationships”

Now, you might be worried about the safety of these online relationships. Of course, there will always be people out there with bad intentions. But there are ways to keep yourself safe, as long as you exercise caution and good judgment.

3. Learning and finding inspiration

Photo by on Unsplash

Social media is usually viewed as entertainment, but it can also be a source of great knowledge. Many people use social media to share their specialized knowledge. Think of the blog articles and “how-to” videos you peruse to learn more about a topic. How many of us reach for Google before a book when we run into a problem? (Probably everyone.) Most of us don’t even realize that we are learning when we go online, but there’s plenty of information alongside the entertainment.

The same opportunities for learning also provide inspiration. When we see other people doing the things we would like to do, it makes those things feel more accessible to us. For example, if you love photography, you probably follow some photographers on Instagram. Most likely, seeing their work not only brings you enjoyment but also encourages you to practice your art. Or, if you’re looking to lose weight, seeing someone’s weight loss journey makes your goal feel more possible. Other people inspire us, and social media allows us to connect with these people.

4. Sharing your talents with the world

Photo by James Bold on Unsplash

If you love to create, social media gives you the opportunity to share your work with the world and receive real feedback. It’s unlike anything ever available to creatives of the past. Anyone can share content online, and that means anyone can find an audience for their work. Instagram is perfect for photographers and artists. YouTube houses singers, songwriters, instrumentalists, and actors. Multiple blogging platforms are available for writers.

You can even say that social media has democratized success for creatives. Now creators can find audiences and support without having to rely on special connections, location or pure luck. They can create their own success by sharing their work on social media.

Think about how many people have found immense success because of the internet. World-famous singers like Justin Bieber, Shawn Mendes, The Weeknd and Alessia Cara — among multiple others — landed record deals after uploading videos of their singing to social media. Rachel Zegler, who plays Maria in Steven Spielberg’s upcoming adaptation of “West Side Story,” landed the lead role by responding to Spielberg’s open-casting call on Twitter with videos of herself singing. Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, who is the lead in Mindy Kaling’s hit Netflix series “Never Have I Ever,” was cast in a similar fashion.

Of course, these are examples of super success and fame. But there are hundreds of individuals whose work on social media has led to job opportunities and industry recognition. Even without the fancy stuff, social media presents an opportunity to be seen and heard. Sometimes that’s all anyone ever wants.

5. Creating change in the world

Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

As I’ve said multiple times already, social media is special for its ability to render physical distance irrelevant. Nothing makes this clearer than the way in which social media is used for activism.

The widespread reach of the internet means that certain issues can find greater, even global, awareness. Social media allows these causes to rally large numbers of people regardless of their geographical locations. You no longer have to be physically close to an issue to know about it or do something to help.

Beyond just information, social media allows for the dissemination of evidence. Recall what happened with George Floyd in May 2020. The horrific video of his arrest and subsequent death played a key role in galvanizing the public. There’s a huge difference between hearing about an injustice and actually witnessing it.

I will be the first to admit that social media can be a grim place, and this can lead to some unfortunate effects on our well-being. I have gone on multiple social media hiatuses throughout my life for this very reason.

But it would be a shame if we let these negatives cloud our understanding of all that social media can offer us. Nothing is black and white. I hope I’ve shown that social media has some beautiful shades of gray.



Reena Patel
Lab Work
Writer for

Journalism & Media Communication student at Colorado State University