Top 5 Donations Given to Charity through Twitch Streams

Daniel Chavez
Lab Work
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2020

Twitch.TV is an incredible livestreaming platform that has been growing exponentially since it’s creation in 2011. This less than a decade old company has done so much good for the world in ways that many do not know. From 2012 to 2017, the site itself has raised over $75 million to various charity organizations around the world. How does a brand new company accomplish such a feat? It does so through it’s lead content creators. Some of the sites content creators are some of the biggest influencers in the modern day social media landscape. Names like Ninja, Dr. Lupo, XQC, Games Done Quick, and more are names that are well renowned throughout the gaming community. Here are a few charity streams that went on give hundreds of thousands of dollars to great causes.

5. On February 6th, 2018, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins decided to livestream in which all proceeds and donations would go helping to stop suicide. He had a target of raising $25,000. After only 8 hours, Ninja would end up raising over $100,000 for the charity. He was left in tears and it truly demonstrated what a great audience he had. The live stream was a great success and all the money that went to the #StopSuicide campaign saved many lives.

4. Twitch streamer HBomberguy was able to receive over $340,000 in donations after streaming for 57 hours. The money was all given to the Mermaids Organization. He decided to stream Donkey Kong 64 to it’s entire completion in one stream. During this stream, a politician named Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez made an appearance during the stream and the streamer and her had conversation. While she was on the livestream, viewers almost doubled and many people can by just to see what the US Congresswoman had to say. Many donations were made during this time and many people were helped through very generous donations.

3. One of the greatest accomplishments in all of Twitch history has to be Dr. Lupo’s charity stream for St. Jude. A massive creator on Twitch known as Dr. Lupo decided to stream for 24 hours. Within those 24 hours, he managed to raise $2,339,943.53 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. On December 21st, 2019, Lupo decided to play the wildly famous game, Fortnite, in hopes of raising a great amount of money for cancer research. In the span of only 4 hours, he already was able to raise $920,000. What an amazing accomplishment from just one person.

2. One of the longest running charity organizations on Twitch has made astounding accomplishments throughout it’s founding. Since 2010, the organization known as Games Done Quick raised over $22 million for charities for both local and global communities. Viewers may purchase tickets to the event it is capped at 3,000 live spectators. During this time, it is also livestreamed to millions of people. Unlike the other charity events, this is organized by a whole organization and features a cast of hundreds of “speedrunners”. A speedrunner is a person who avidly plays the game and knows all the tricks to the game and attempts to finish the game as fast as possible. It provides for extremely entertaining content and even includes audience interaction. Viewers are able to control what the gamer is supposed to do and are allowed to vote through their donations. During it’s most recent event in Maryland in the winter of 2019, the whole event raised about $2.4 million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. The event had around 13 million unique viewers as well.

  1. The greatest Twitch charity event goes to ZEvent. ZEvent broke world records in donations as in the 54 hours that it was live, over €3.5 million were raised for the Pasteur Institute. This institute is a French non-profit foundation that support current scientific studies in medicine and biology. It was a number of streamers that were involved in this event and broke a great amount of people together. It is truly a spectacular sight to see how generous people are to these causes.

