Under the Pads: Getting to Know Chris Knowlton

Kyle Wilson
4 min readJun 28, 2020


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

By: Kyle Wilson

Ever wonder what is like to be one step away from the NHL? This is where Chris Knowlton steps into play. Over the past week I have been able to have a conversation with Knowlton over email and phone. Knowlton was a semi-professional hockey player that played for the Colorado Eagles during the 2014–2015 season. He is originally from Colorado Springs, Colorado and grew up idolizing the Colorado Avalanche. Who would’ve guessed that he would’ve even had the chance to compete for the NHL. Well not Knowlton.

Wilson (Q): Hello Mr.Knowlton, thank you for agreeing to talk to me and allowing me to ask some questions.

Knowlton (A): Hello Mr.Wilson, It is my pleasure being able to talk to you about my experiences throughout my career.

Wilson: When you were younger, did you actually think you could be playing hockey as a career?

Knowlton: If you asked me this question when I was younger, of course I will have been my answer. As my career progressed I realized that this is a real opportunity for me, and I was able to play up the road from where I grew up in Colorado Springs.

Wilson: Would you ever imagined that you would’ve been playing semi-professional hockey for your hometown team?

Knowlton: No, never in a million years would I have ever thought that I would be just a few steps away from the NHL.

Wilson: I know you played for Vipiteno in Italy. What was the biggest challenge for you moving overseas.

Photo by @canmandawe on Unsplash

Knowlton: Obviously there are going to be many differences. One huge one was the language. I am not fluent in Italian and I never will be. There are other subtle differences as well; It is a completely different atmosphere and sense of community there than here. It’s more of a crazy, free-flowing type of place. Meanwhile, Loveland is very mellow and laid back.

Wilson: What was the transition back to the United States like?

Knowlton: It was not easy if I am being completely honest: The time difference, different style of hockey, different type of people and food, there were just a lot of things that took adjusting to.

Wilson: Once back in Colorado, and now starting your career for the Colorado Eagles, what was the most difficult challenge for you while on the team?

Knowlton: Probably the winter up here, I am just kidding it would actually be trying to blend into a new team. It is so difficult to be the new guy in a locker room, it’s like being the foreign exchange student who doesn’t speak the native tongue.

Wilson: What is it like to have played for the Colorado Eagles, and be a part of that team and community?

Knowlton: I loved every second I spent with the Eagles. They are a classy organization who takes care of their people and community. The boys in that locker room were instantly welcoming and I never felt out of place in my time there.

Photo by Peter Pryharski on Unsplash

Wilson: Now that part of your career is over, what do you plan on doing now?

Knowlton: Well, I stayed local and am working just like everyone else in this world. I would like to use my playing experience to either land a coaching job, or something related to hockey.

Wilson: Do you have an ideal job that you would like to have in that field?

Knowlton: I think probably being a head coach somewhere, it doesn’t have to be the NHL, I would just like to coach one day.

Wilson: Well it was wonderful talking to you and getting your insight on what it’s like to be you. Thank you so much for everything and I will stay in touch.

Knowlton: Of course, it was my pleasure being able to talk to you and share some behind the scene stories.

