Weight Watchers and Social Media: Is Weight Watchers Connect Working? Personal Interview with a Weight Watchers User

Kyrie Merline
5 min readJun 26, 2016


Weight Watchers was founded by the woman Jean Nidetch in the ’60’s. Back then Nidetch would invite woman into her home in for weekly meetings about how best to lose weight, and from there it has become a way for millions of people to lose weight.

Growing over the years Weight Watchers has edited the program to allow online tracking while still offering the in person meetings for those who wish to do so. Weight Watchers was rated the number one weight loss program by U.S. News, and people that sign up and stick to the program see results.

Playing with the Weight Watchers App I was able to look at what was healthy at different restaurants, which cereal is the better option to eat, and an online social media tab where Weight Watchers users can follow each other, post statuses, as well as photos. Weight Watchers has successfully created an online community where people can interact with each other like any other social media site.

I decided to post a status and ask if anyone would be interested in an email interview so I could find out details about their experience with Weight Watchers as well as their experience with Connect. Many gave me their emails and replied to the status, but the user Chelsea0822 had the best responses to my questions. Below is the interview that took place over email with Chelsea0822.

Q: Tell me about yourself. What do you like to do for fun? What do you do for a living? Anything and everything that you feel comfortable sharing.

A: I’m 26 years old, single, and live in a small town in Missouri. I have a seven year old son, and he is pretty much my world. We have a lot of fun together. We like to go to the zoo or to science museums. At home we play with our dog, take walks to the splash park, and he’s all about the video games. I like to go to the live theatre as well. I have an obsession with musicals. I also like to bowl, read, and am an avid television and movie watcher. For a living, I am an administrative assistant at a private probation company. I am currently looking for a more long term job though.

Q: What made you join Weight Watchers? Is this your first time doing it?

A: I had been trying to loose weight for a year, but kept gaining more and more weight. I had never tried weight watchers before, but always saw commercials for it my entire life. I decided to give it a try, because obviously what I was doing wasn’t working. The plan seemed easy to follow, and people seem to get the results they want from it.

Q: Do you follow the online plan or the online + meetings plan? What do you enjoy about the plan?

A: I decided to try the online only program, because it was cheaper and seemed to work better with my schedule. I am really enjoying the plan. Some reasons I enjoy it is how easy the app is to use, and Weight Watchers Connect has been an amazing resource for me to use and find a supportive community.

Q: What first motivated you to become active on Weight Watchers Connect? What keeps you wanting to post on Connect?

A: I logged into Connect the first day I signed up for Weight Watchers. At the time I had no idea what it was, but I was just figuring out and playing with the app. I have used Connect multiple times a day since. I sometimes feel I have an addiction to it. I really enjoy the positivity and knowledge I get when I log on. I post on Connect to keep myself on the right track. I like seeing the good decisions I make, so I post when I make a low smart point meal or when I exercise. I also hope it motivates someone else to make a good decision for that day.

Q: Has the Connect community impacted your life style in terms of exercise or healthy eating? In what ways has it impacted you?

A: The Connect community has definitely impacted my decisions. I have started to try to do meal prep for at least a few meals during the week. I see people meal prep for the entire week, and it motivates me to do the same. It has motivated me to eat healthier. I have found many meals and snacks from others on Connect. It’s a great resource when you’re out of ideas of what to eat. I eat a pescetarian diet, which means no meat. I do eat seafood and animal by-products, though. This makes figuring out meals more difficult. I have found some great seafood and meatless meals that I use often.

Q: How do you decide who to start following on Connect? What makes you want to follow people?

A: I follow most people who follow me, because it feels like we’re friends, now. I also love to go to the “New Posts” tab to find new people to follow. I have three categories of people I follow. The first is other people who eat a vegetarian diet. Some people are pescetarians like me, but I also follow vegetarians and vegans. I find it helpful to see more meatless meals to give me ideas. The next group is those who post often about working out. I need to work on that, so I like seeing them doing amazing exercise and it motivates me to get off the couch. The last group is those who are funny. Working on getting healthy can be tiring, so it’s great to get on Connect and have a good laugh.

Q: Do you have any other social media accounts like Facebook or Instagram? Do you post about your weight loss journey on them? Do people know you are apart of Weight Watchers?

A: I have a Facebook, Instragram, Pinterest and Twitter account. I don’t post much to Twitter or Instagram. I post about once a week on Facebook. I have never once posted about weight lose or use of Weight Watchers on Facebook. I barely told my family, and only did after a few weeks. I would feel way to self conscious to post about my weight lose journey on Facebook. It doesn’t feel like a safe place. I am in a few private Weight Watcher groups on Facebook that I found through Connect. Connect has provided me with a place that is safe, encouraging, and helpful. No other social media site has been able to offer anything like this. I feel better about myself and the decisions I make because I know I have have millions of people out there who are supporting me on this journey. Weight Watchers Connect has become my home and family through this weight loss journey.

