Releap Exchange is Live!

Launching the first music NFT exchange on Solana that complies with the Metaplex standard

Releap Protocol
2 min readJul 15, 2022


Releap launched three months ago with the goal of empowering artists and fans by creating stronger channels of engagement and support. Giving artists greater control over the distribution and valuation of their music is an important component of this mission.

With that in mind, we announced Releap Launch and Releap Circles. Releap Launch provided a spotlight and singular focused release for tracks. Combined with exclusive, early release for NFT holders, Launch provided a great platform for independent artists to release music and reward their most dedicated listeners.

Releap Circles fit perfectly into this growing ecosystem as a dedicated communication channel for NFT holders and artists. Artists can put out exclusive posts for NFT holding fans that include unreleased tracks, BTS, demos and more. We believe that the Releap ecosystem truly provides artists with the tools to not just enter the industry, but create a community and thrive.

The next big step to empower artists comes in the form of Releap Exchange— our solution to reduce the barriers of entry for independent artists into this industry.

Releap Exchange — an open marketplace for Music NFTs powered by Solana

A dedicated and decentralized marketplace for Music NFTs is essential to cultivate minting and trading of NFTs. Releap Exchange allows artists to mint NFTs and list them to be traded in the marketplace. Artists can mint as many one-of-one NFTs, add them to various collections and experience a truly customizable approach to creating and selling their NFTs. With the exchange, Releap can expand its reach and offer its services to any and all artists as they no longer require approval from the team. Having said that, Releap takes the issue of copyright infringement very seriously and will delete any uploads violating these terms.

Releap Exchange enables artists to have increased control over their creativity, as well as the whole process of minting NFTs. They get to dictate listing prices, royalty fees, number of NFTs in a collection, offer various cover art and more. Built on Solana, Releap Exchange is truly accessible and decentralized. The low transaction fees and speed encourage fans to focus on simply the artists they wish to support.

With the exchange, Releap will be able to provide a well rounded ecosystem for independent artists to flourish, that is inclusive of tools to control distribution of their work and to engage with fans like never before. We believe these are significant steps towards the decentralized future of music.

Check out Releap Exchange at

